Part 12

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The rest of the day went slower than a sloth climbing a tree. Every time I would find something new to occupy my time I’d look at the clock, realizing it’d only been a few minutes since I last checked. Once it grew closer to 8 my panic switched to what exactly I was going to wear. I knew I’d wanted to wear a band tee I knew he would know but merch was also so tight. I’d feel comfortable in my hoodie but he’s already seen me in that. I sat on my bed and stared at the closet, almost crying from stress. Gloria walked in without my notice and closed the door.

            “Are you going to need help for tonight?” she asked. I looked at her with tears in my eyes

            “I can’t do this. The only thing I would feel comfortable in is the outfit he’s already seen. I can’t go if I don’t feel good. I won’t be able to compose myself” Gloria gave me sad eyes and sat next to me. She pulled me into a hug,

“Sweetheart, this boy obviously sees something in you that you don’t see in yourself” I shook my head leaning into her. Gloria patted my shoulder but pushed me away softly, getting up off the bed and digging through my clothes. My tears stopped and I stared at her. The determination this woman had to make me feel better was endearing. Gloria grabbed the sweatshirt I had worn before, a Cartel band tee, a grey hat that matched the style of my colorful one from before and a dark pair of jeans. She threw the clothes at me as well as my black converse.

            “Put these on. No matter how many times you wear something, it’s your style. It’s your clothes and obviously, he likes when you wear something like that.” Before she left me to get changed, Gloria stood by the door

            “Invest in more zip up hoodies, that’ll make you feel better” and she shut the door. I couldn’t decide exactly how I was feeling. I looked at my clothes and smiled a bit. I washed my hair only to blow dry it, making my hair wavy. I put my shirt on and immediately put my hoodie over it, feeling the shirts cotton stick tight to my stomach. I laid my gray hat carefully on the back of my head, running my fingers through my hair to make my bangs fluff out. I threw my jeans on and my converse. Looked at the mirror for just a second to check my hair and never looked at my reflection again. I sprayed my favorite perfume on and found Laura and Brittney putting on their heels by the door.

            “Ready?” Laura asked excitedly. I nodded with a smile. They were already wearing their coats. Besides, I wasn’t paying attention to them tonight. For them, this was a night to find a man, I was already meeting mine. 

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