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Greek Gods And Goddesses ~ Featuring The Signs:

Aries: Ares the God of War (go figure lol >_<)

Taurus: Hestia the Virgin Goddess of the Hearth

Gemini: Apollo the God of Prophecy, Healing, and the Sun and Light (that's too many things to be a god over I'd procrastinate)

Cancer: Hera the Goddess of Women and Marriage 

Leo: Zeus the God of Lightening and the Heavens

Virgo: Dionysus the God of the Vine

Libra: Aphrodite the Goddess of Love and Beauty

Scorpio: Hades the God of the Underworld and Wealth 

Sagittarius: Artemis the Goddess of the Hunt, Moon, and the Natural Environment (I think she is one of the most B.A. Goddesses tbh)

Capricorn: Athena the Goddess of War and Wisdom

Aquarius: Hephaestus the God of Blacksmiths, Craftsman, Artisans, Sculptors, Metals, Fire, and Volcanoes (I think he is one of the coolest Gods because he never let anyone put him down just because he wasn't the most handsome)

Pisces: Poseidon the God of the Oceans (yet another go figure lol >_<)


Happy New Year Everyone!!!!! Hope you had a great (insert what you celebrate) celebration!!!!!! The whole time I was typing this chapter up I was thinking of the Percy Jackson books. If you haven't read the series then you totally should. It's by Rick Riordan and he also writes soooooo many other great books too. (#notsponsored lol) Tell me what your favorite book or book series is in the comments, I'd love to know!

Have a wonderful day/night!


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