The Unfairly Treated Creatures Rescuing Association

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Squad goalz :DDDDDDDDDD

So ya nothing really to say here




Kirina Pov

I woke up to the sound of breaking glass.

"Are you sure this is it?" A voice said.

"Positive." Said another. I couldn't see the figures since it was dark.

"Wh-who are you?!" I said, jolting upright on my bed.

"Ugh, see Mal, I told you we shouldn't break the window!" The first voice said.

"Well, your the one who actually broke it!" The second voice said.

"Will someone tell me who you people are!" I yelled.

"Oh sorry, I'm Scar and the other one is Maleficent, and we are part of the UTCRA also known as the Unfairly Treated Creatures Rescuing Association. Our mission is to save creatures who have been unfairly treated by humans because of who they are. And according to my files, you are Kirina the dark angel, being called names and given the rustiest house in her village correct?" The first voice said.

"...well, I used to. I ran away because I was being accused of a village burn down. What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Well, we're going to take you back to our base of course!" Maleficent said.

"What?! No, I'm sorry, but I am happy with where I am today." I said.

"But, people don't trust you! Don't you feel mad? Don't you feel like you are betrayed?" Scar asked.

"The people can think what they want, I won't judge them for judging me. Plus, there still are people who actually do trust me. That's all I need." I said.

"Do you even know our feelings towards humans?!" Scar asked. 

"N-no..?" I said.

"Well let me tell you then. You can't see because the lights are off right now, but I'm a wolf. I can switch between my human form and my wolf form. One day, when I was wondering in the forest lost, a human family took me home. They thought I was a full wolf and cared for me. I didn't show them my human form because I thought they wouldn't love me then. After a couple of years with them, I have trusted them enough that I decided to show them my human form. But then... they chased me out of the house. They thought I was a werewolf, even though I did nothing to them for the years I was with them. And this is what I got." All of the sudden the lights turned off to reveal the two figures face. I gasped. The first figure had a scar on her right eye.

"Y-your... eye..." I said.

"Exactly." She said. She had blonde hair and other than her scarred eye, here other eye was bright blue. She had wolf ears and a tail. The second figure (who was the Maleficent person) had fire red hair and bright green eyes. She had fangs that grew from her mouth.

"I was once just a normal human. I had a boyfriend, who was the son of the lord in my village, compared to the newbie guard I was. But he always cared for me. He was perfect. Then one day, we had to go to the forest that was known for people missing. My boyfriend and I was sitting on a log, resting, when all of the sudden he heard something and went deep into the woods, leaving me. I sat, hoping he would come back, but he didn't. Then all of the sudden, a vampire bit me. He did not affect me that much, for I struggled off from him, but I became a vampire myself. I still had my memory, so I went over back to the village, planning on telling my boyfriend what happened. I went over to his house and knocked. No answer. I slowly walked in when I saw a not on the table that said...

'Dear Maleficent,    I saw everything that happened to you. Leave. You will only be a threat to me and my village. We are over. Forever.     From DJ'

From that day I knew that he didn't love me truly. If he did love me, then he would of given me another chance. But no. He left. Just like that." Maleficent said.

"O-oh..." I said.

"So what do you think, now do you think that humans are selfish creatures who only think for themselves? Now do you think that humans only trust because of a persons identity, not for they're personality?!" Scar said. I gritted my teeth.

"...are any of you immortal?" I said. The two looked at each other. "Look, I have been living for thousands of years, and I have met many people during this time. And I have learned that not all humans are selfish. Some trust. Some care. Some love. It's just that majority of humans who are selfish, or mean, or unfair. But I know that not everyone is selfish, and us creatures need to accept that. Now, I know a guard who is on night shift right now, and I don't thing you don't want me to call him in." I said.

"...let's go. I'm not tagging along to this bull shit any longer." Maleficent said.

"Right." Scar said. Maleficent waved her hand, and the two disappeared in a poof. (Ya know, like Guy :'D)

I sighed. I understand their feelings very much. But... us creatures need to understand that we are in a lower class then humans. The humans have their advantages. But we can not hate on them because of this.

Because if we do, who's the one selfish now?


Omi how do people write deep stories like these

But anyway that's the chapter! I hope ya liked it :)

See y'all next chapter <3



Editors Note: nothing rlly big to edit here lol

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