Chapter 8

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Picture is inspiration for the character Danny.

Chapter 8 

Surprise, Surprise 

I roll over, forcing myself to sleep more. I'm not ready to get up yet. My arm rests on something foreign, not fluffy enough to be a pillow and definitely not a part of the bed. Though, it's comfortable for its tiny size. My eyes flutter open and I come face to face with a half naked Alexander. He's not wearing a shirt and is only in his boxers. I quickly sit up and gape at him as he sleeps peacefully curled into a little ball, like a cat. Awe, he's just the cutest thing. No wait, why is he in my bed?! 

I poke his shoulder. He stirs, but doesn't wake up. I shake him, this time. He grabs my hand and wraps his arms and legs around my whole arm, pinning me down. What the hell?! I try to pull away, but he only grips tighter. 

"Alexanderrrrrrr!" I whine to him. He mumbles something too quiet to understand. He rolls over, pulling my arm with him, causing me to spoon him. This is very awkward; my hand is against his crotch... and he's hard! I make a weird awkward face as I try to pull away. Bad idea Shane; he pulls my arm tighter against himself. I sigh in defeat. He sighs heavily. I lift myself up with my free arm and glance at his face to see his eyebrows furrowed. He grips my arm tighter then his eyes pop open. He blinks a few times then let's go of my arm, yawns adorably, then glances at me. 

"Good morning, Shaney," he rubs his eyes, "why are you in my bed?"  


"Alexander, you are in MY bed." 

He gasps exaggeratedly and glances around the room before stating, "You're right! Why am I here, Shaney? You weren't thinking of doing naughty things to me, were you? I'll tell Sammie on you!" 

Facepalm two. 

"Whoa, wait a minute! You're the one raping me!" 

"What? How could an innocent boy like me rape you?" 

"Cough last night you weren't an innocent boy cough." 

His eyes widen as he blushes a deep shade of red. I just embarrassed the hell out of the poor kid. Good going, Shane.  

He turns away and ponders a moment before looking back at me, "You watched?" 

"No, I left as soon as I saw you two. I can't see you doing anything like that; it's weird." 

"Weird? Why is it weird? I'm seventeen years old just like you, Shaney. I can do that kind of thing just as much as you can!" he pouts. 

"No, I meant, I see you as a cute and innocent boy. It is awkward thinking you aren't so... innocent. I'm just not used to it." 

"You could get used to it..." I think he attempted to sound sexy? 

"What do you mean by that?" I ask him. 

He crawls up to me, getting really close to my face, and then sits on my lap, straddling me. He stares at my lips, lust filling his beautiful blue eyes, and then looks into mine. What is he doing? 

He gets closer, our lips almost touching, but stops before they come into contact. 

"What are you doing?" I ask him. 

"I can be just as sexual as anyone else and I am not afraid to show it," he whispers. Is it weird that I'm kind of getting turned on by this? 

The both of us are breathing heavier than usual, as we sit there, staring into each others' eyes. This is too intense, man. To think, just last night I was saying he's too innocent for this kind of thing. But not anymore. I do it. I kiss him. Oh man, I lock our lips together. 

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