Chapter 4

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I  hurry on to the restroom to take a cold shower after im done i just put on some black skinny jeans my black boots and a grey shirt and lastly a flannel around my waist just in case i get cold in class.

I brush my teeth and leave my hair down because i didn't have enough time to brush it so its kind of nappy.

If only i had my license to drive to school so i could have more time in bed but i just haven't had the time to make an appointment .

Well i have had time but every time i call this annoying bitch answers the phone and hearing her voice annoys the fuck out of me so I end the call.

As im waiting at my bus stop Harry pulls over "Come on Kendall who cares what Taylor thinks your my best-friend i have the right to give you a ride plus you also said you would come get my car with me", he says in frustration.

"Alright ill go but if she comes up to me talking shit i swear im going to kick her ass ", i give in just because i dont want to wait out here.

"Im pretty sure she learned her lesson last time you had her on the ground." I start laughing at the memory we were at a party and i just wanted to go get more drinks.

She started all this bullshit about me trying to take Harry away from her i didn't understand anything else she said because she was so drunk so she was stuttering a lot.

We arrive at the schools parking lot and Taylor is already waiting for Harry outside her car. She gives a disgusted look which i dont give two-fucks about.

She runs towards Harry once he gets out  the car "Harry baby ive missed you so much why didnt you answer my calls yesterday.'' Harry hugs her and ignores her question by greeting his friends.

I laugh at her face expression and at how stupid she looks standing there.

I then hurry on to get to my class.

I hate going in late because everyone stares at you coming in like they've never seen a human before.

I enter the classroom and notice names on the desk.

The asshole teacher gave us fucking assigned seats.

Everyone is sitting in their appropriate seats.

I look where I usually sit and some bitch name Leslie is sitting there.Thats my seat and Mr.Vera fucking knows that

I love sitting in the back it's the one place the student don't look and I get a good view of the school field.

I walk to the back of the classroom and tell her to get off my fucking seat.

"Bu-t Mr.Vera mad-e this m-my as-signed se-at." She sounds like she's about to cry.

"I don't give a fu-", i get interrupted by Mr.Vera

"Ms.Jenner I moved you up here for a reason now please stop being hard headed because you can't afford another day in sac."Mr.Vera says.

I listen to him only because I'm at border line with principal .

I walk to my fucking assigned seat which has 2 girls staring at me like if I'm a fucking dick.

"Wow someone came pissed to class you probably need sex"the girl says giggling.

"Cara omg , don't listen to her all she thinks is that everyone wants sex when it's really her" I actually laugh at what she says because her friend is so stupid.

"I'm Gigi by the way and this is my bitch Cara."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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