Hamilton x Reader - The Teddy Bear

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Prompt #58

Requested by 80s90steen :)


Y/N had always had a teddy bear. Although Hamilton, her husband, would always be there to comfort her at night, she couldn't sleep without it. It was her mother's, who had recently passed due to an undiagnosed sickness.

Y/N and Alexander had just gotten home from a visit to Angelica's home. And, boy, were they tired!

"I love visiting Angie, don't you?" Y/N asked Alexander.

"Of course, dear." Alex sighed. "You're so beautiful, Y/N," Alexander said for no apparent reason rather than the fact that he loved his wife with his whole heart. Y/N blushed. Even after years of receiving compliments from Hamilton she was still head over heels.

Just as they were about to drift off to sleep, Y/N panicked and shot her head up. She looked next to her for a few seconds, and almost died.

"Dear, have you seen my teddy bear?"

"No, I haven't, honey. Do you need help looking for it?" Alexander stayed calm; he knew this bear meant a lot to Y/N.

The real reason he was calm was because he was extremely tired, though.

"I... I got it." Y/N immediately stood up and started searching for her bear.

-Time Skip-

After a few minutes Y/N had still not found her teddy bear.

"Relax, Y/N. You're still beautiful without your teddy bear."

Alexander was sitting in a corner, watching his wife frantically searching for her teddy bear. He continued staring at her. He did nothing else, just watched.

"Alex, I'm worried. I don't know where he is." Y/N was practically sweating. Alex watched as his wife looked in every crevice of the house, her dress's trail flowing behind her. He was falling for her and her bubbly personality harder than ever before, which wasn't a thing Hamilton thought was possible.

"Do you want me to help you, beautiful?" He responded, yawning. Y/N shook her head, and continued looking. After many attempts of asking his beautiful wife if she needed help, Alexander wasn't surprised she denied him again.

"Alexander, what do I do?"

"I don't know; I've never seen anybody as beautiful as you freaking out over something so out-of-the-ordinary."

Y/N continued looking, but address Alex without looking at him:
"You know it's special and why."

"Dear, I never said anything minus the fact that you were beautiful."

Y/N smiled, but her smile was quickly wiped off of her face as she focus on the matter at hand.

While looking and looking, Y/N glanced over at Alexander a few times. He seemed... dazed.

Y/N wanted to stop looking, and ask, but she brushed Hamilton off. She lit another candle, carrying it with her in hopes she could see her bear where she hadn't had enough light. Maybe?

Nope. She began to lose all hope.
She practically broke.

"I'm freaking out because mother needs me to find this bear and I'm really nervous and are you alright dear?" Y/N asked, signing, right after she finished her micro-rant. She couldn't help but ask.

Alex had a late response, but did reply.

"Huh? Oh, I'm just amazed at how beautiful you are."

Y/N finally giggled, turning to her husband.

"Oh, come here." She said.

They hugged and went to bed. Finally. Without the bear, however.

The next morning, Alexander woke up, noticing Y/N wasn't in bed. He recalled the events of last night, smiling. His wife was beautiful, but Alexander didn't think she knew that.

Every waking hour, he thought of her, her beautiful eyes, hair... he was enraptured by just the mere thought of Y/N.

He walked into the kitchen, and saw the teddy bear on the counter.

Y/N looked up and blushed from embarrassment.

"...he was under the bed. The one place I didn't look..."

Alex sighed and laughed.

"You're so beautiful when you're embarrassed..."

Silence. Alexander dozed off into his own train of thoughts: debate, Thomas Jefferson, more debate, war, Thomas Jefferson, killing Thomas Jefferson, more war. Y/N.

Alex looked up at Y/N

"Have I ever told you you're beautiful?"

"Yes. Plenty of times."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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