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Narrators pov

A beautiful young woman of age 24 was seen walking into her working place wearing ripped black shorts and a white shoulder off T-shirt. When she got to work, she settled down her binder of drawings and opened up her laptop. Reading a few emails, for a couple of hours, she then decides to open up the shop.

Almost immediately as she opens it, a figure came out of their car and walked to the H/c hair colored girl. She waved at him back. "Hey Y/n! I'm here for my appointment to finish my tattoo." The male said. "Yeah of course Damien." She said.

They both went inside and got started. In a few hours more people came in and back out. Before she knew it, it was time to go out on a lunch break. Finishing up her last detail, she smiled at the lady and gave her, her bill. Now that she got paid, they both head out talking stories till they reach their own cars.

"Bye sweety, thanks again! Tell your cute dogs I said Hi!" The lady said. Y/n nodded and waved before driving out. She drove into town and to the mall. So far, life was going good for her. Y/n M/n L/n, Born in Maui, Hawaii. Has a respected family, graduated high school early and worked herself until she was up top with her business. Though she came from a respected family, she never mentioned them, for she wanted to make her own name. Her great grandpa was one of the many great people who came to Hawaii and worked in the sugar cane fields. His brother was one of the first people to build houses, and now to her grandpa, he owns his own condo, and builds his own houses. Your family isn't rich but they have enough money.

You then make it to the mall and silently glared. People. More than usual, how nice. Today, the cruise has docked which means tourist everywhere. Not that you minded since Hawaii was mainly run by tourist, you just didn't like their attitude.

The funny thing about living in Hawaii, everybody knows everybody. You live on a rock surrounded by water. Even people from the other islands know each other but they all use that as an advantage to get more followers on instagram.

Walking to your favorite place to get food, your ordered F/F and sat down waiting patiently. You checked your phone for time and out of the corner of your eye, you saw a man in formal designer clothing and a few girls tailing him and body guards. You could see why he was followed, he was handsome. And oh god you know those girls. They were the hoes of your old high school and you coughed covering up your laugh when one of them used her famous pick up line "Do you have instagram." As if she could slide into his DMs for your guess, he wouldn't even give it to her. You couldn't hold in your laugh when he stopped and glared at her- them. "Don't talk to me, lowlife." You cackled and turned around slightly to hide your face. This was just great, you always waited for her to get showed up and put in her place. You snapchatted your friends and told them what happened.

The ex school hoe was having a fit with her friend and the dude already left. You walked to get your cooked food but You didn't look where you were going and bumped into- oh would you look at that. Life is just doing you so great. You bumped into- drum roll please. The same guy who showed up the girl. You put on your straight face and apologized at him and went to the counter to get your lunch.

That was easier than you expected. You thought he would grab your arm and tell you off. You shrugged and walked back to your table to eat. Today was a decent weather, it was over cast but not rainy. The small breeze felt good. You felt eyes watching you as you took a sip from your F/d. You looked behind you and saw him watching you.

He noticed you caught him and looked away. You glared at him. This is what you hate. You hate it when people look at you and not saying anything. Like was there something on your face? Is there something bothering him that he just had to look at your head. You don't know why but it was a habit to not like it when people looked at you. You think you were also influenced by your mom too. She was a fighter back in her middle school and high school days. You decided to give the guy a glare warning before continuing your lunch break.

When you finished, you got up and threw out your trash before going. You felt him watching you again and decided to confront him about it. Once is a warning. Twice, you be a bitch. There is no third time because you believe that people should be told more than twice. It was stupid, pointless and a waste of time if they couldn't get it right. As much as you hate drama, you also hate it when people don't say anything.

You walked to his table and made direct eye contact with you. He looked down to his plate of food and back to you kinda surprised your here at his table. He expected that you were there for a different reason.

In his head:

You walked up to his table and placed your hands firmly on the side before looking down at him. "Hey I'm very very sorry about bumping into you earlier. Please, how can I make it up to you?"

But instead of that, here is what happened. You crossed your arms and kept your glare at him. "Brah, can I help you?" You asked, turning on your pigeon accent. It helps being intimidating. You used to speak little bit more pigeon until your real dad's girlfriend from the mainland 'educated' you. But you couldn't help it- you were born and raised in Hawaii!

The guy looked at you and rose his brow. "I don't know what your talking about." He said. You leaned more so and one leg and looked down at him. You looked at how his body language spoke. He never had anyone confront him. "You know boy, it's rude to lie to someone you just met or to look at a girl whose eating. If you keep staring, might as well just talk." You said sternly with your accent slightly disappearing, but it's still obviously there. His body guards stood up but sat back doen when he rose his hand at them to not bother. You decided to keep on talking. "Do you have a staring problem? What? What is it?" "Who are you?" He asked. You looked at him stupidly. Was he seriously gonna ask a question with another question? This is pointless. You rolled your eyes at him showing his you don't give a fuck.

Never have he ever experienced this, if anything girls always try to get with him. But you, your were different. Hell, you know your different too. Your not one to easily swoon over a guy especially if he is pissing you off, that doesn't even make sense. You stood your ground and looked at him expectantly, showing him he won't get his answer until you get yours. He sighed. "No. Now answer my question, who are you?" You huffed at him, checking your watch before turning back. "I don't need to tell you anything, talking with you is wasting my time. I need to go." The drive from here to work was 15-20 minutes and you open up again in 25 minutes. You started to speed walk to your parking lot, unknowingly leaving your latest drawing.

Yup life loves you, very, very much.

When you made it back to your shop, you opened it back up and started working. The rest of the day went by quickly and you were once again closing it off. You went straight home and wrapped your hands and wrist. You threw on your boxing gloves and walked to your work out area.

You started boxing in 6th grade and stopped at 7th grade, only to begin again in sophomore year because you got lazy. You got into stance and worked on your foot work, throwing a few punches here and there.

An hour passed and you decided to stop and take a shower. You became sleepy so you grabbed a snack, to tired to cook dinner and soon head into a deep sleep.

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