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It is not that hard to forgive
Though it is even harder to forget

I can show you that it is hard
I can show you that it hurts
I can show you that it is unreal
To stop my heart from drowning

My head is switched off
Though my heart is the light
Which never can be switched off
It is still brightly switched on

No, do not ask me to turn it off
'Cause i will never do it
I only can forgive
But never to forget

Our memories once flashed into my mind
Beautifully played along the love song
Our laughter that we shared
Our love that we made

Since then,
it keeps crashing into my mind
It keeps fluttering in my heart
I wish I could rewind all our plays
And make it a film to be kept for a long long time

Good bye, my other half
You will always be my other half wherever you are
Stay safe in your long lost way
Before we meet each other again

i have to forgive your gone
But forever,
i will never forget you

My best good, good bye.


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