Chapter Two

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** Please remember this is a rough draft and NOT edited!! **

Crap, crap, crap.

Leave it me to get trapped in a crypt with no cell phone. At least I could have used the flashlight app.

It's darker than the blackest of night in here and it stinks to high heaven. More than that, I can hear something scuttling around in the dark. It has to be rats. They love places like this. I have bigger problems than rats at the moment, though.

The laugh I'd heard earlier whispers around me. No more creepy children, please. Not here in the dark.

Someone's banging on the door, so at least they're trying to get me out. Dan and his dad maybe.

Steps sound to my left and whirl in that direction. Where is it? It's either one of those little yellow eyed demonic children or one of the things Reaper Boy was talking about. He said it wasn't just ghosts that resided in cemeteries. All those horror movies I've watched are haunting me now. I keep seeing ghouls, little creatures that burrow through a maze of tunnels beneath us and then through the graves, eating the rotting flesh of the decaying corpses.

"Hello?" The words are barely a whisper as they leave me and I try again, attempting to sound braver than I actually am right now. In the dark, alone with...something. "Hello?"


Great. It wants to play with its prey. Well, I can play too.

"Look, buster, I am not in the mood to play. I have no qualms about opening the Between and tossing you in!"

A chuckle sounds behind me and I turn, expecting the creepy yellow-eyed kid, but he's not there. Only a vague outline of some kind of square, with another one above it. Fudgepops. It has to be a coffin box thingy. I'd seen them in movies, but had never expected to see one in real life. What if a zombie pops out all hungry for brains? Dang it, I have no weapons for zombies. Had Reaper Boy meant zombies? Crap, crap, crapolla!

The gentle tap on my shoulder sends me scurrying backwards, a scream escaping me.

"Easy, it's just me."

Reaper Boy.

"Don't sneak up on me in the dark!" Fury laces my words, but I can't help it.

"I can leave if you want me too." He sounds just as angry as me.

"No, no, no. Sorry, I'm just freaked out."

"You and me both." A small light appears, casting shadows everywhere, but I can see. It's not bright enough to blind me, just bright enough to make out where we are. The light sits in his hand, like a glowing baseball or something. That's handy.

"Where is it?" He holds out his hand and spins in a circle, and we both scour the area. I see nothing but the crypt box thingy in the middle and two doors, on each side of us as well as the main door.

"I don't know."

The giggle has him inching closer to me. "What was that?"

I roll my eyes. I hope all reapers aren't as cowardly as he is.

Where is the little bugger? They can hide from even me when they want to.

"What is that?" His voice wavers and he points to the right.

In the corner, I can see a little boy, sitting hunched over. He's picking at the wounds on his feet. Big holes have been bored into the soles of his feet. Black pus drips from the wounds. His hands are mangled, two of the fingers on his right hand are bent at odd angles, while the thumb on his left hand is just gone. What I can see of the left side of his face is caved in, a large portion of the skin missing. His upper teeth and gumline are clearly visible and his Adventure Time tshirt is covered in black stains. Blood. Most people don't realize blood dries black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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The Ghost Files Volume 4 Part 2Where stories live. Discover now