Chapter 13

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Rushing into my dads hospital room i had to remember to take it easy and watch my strength around him, but as i got to him i couldn't help pulling him into a big hug. His head was wrapped in bandages and he had a few bruises on his face but besides that he looked fine.

"I'm so glad you're okay dad"

He scooted over a little and let me sit beside him before pulling me into his side

"I'm okay Livy, you're old mans a tough one. What about you? how are you feeling after everything that's happened"

I looked up at him and saw that his gaze was focussed on Paul. When he looked back at me i knew he knew something, just the curious look he was giving me had me on alert.

"Uh i'm fine dad, a little shaken up but fine"

He chuckled a little before placing a hand over my own

"I got a visit from Old Quil and Sam Uley this morning, they explained some things that were rather interesting"

My heart began to pound as he spoke. He knew, Sam and Old Quil had told him about the pack

"Daddy i know it's hard to imagine and I'm sorry i couldn't tell you-"

I was cut off when he raised his hand, a small smile on his weathered face.

"Livy i'm not upset, I've always had an inkling that the legends may be true. I never imagined in a million years that you would be a big part of those legends but i am proud of you. You are a warrior my daughter, A protector of your people. But, It does not mean i won't worry about you. I know now that there are dangerous things in this world and i want you to be careful"

I nodded my head in response and i snuggled into his side, big bad ass wolf chick or not i was still a daddys girl.

"So how much of this whole situation did they tell you dad?"

I was curious as to whether he was told about imprinting or about Paul and I

"Just that the legends are true, that there are shape shifters among us and that you are one"

I guess now was a better time than ever.

"Daddy theres something that happens with us shifters called imprinting. Its when we find our other half, our soul mate"

Before i could continue my dad began to chuckle, now i was puzzled.

"Livy honey i knew from the day you brought Paul home that you meant something special to him. The way he looks at you anyone could tell. So i think i would be correct in saying you two have imprinted on each other"

I felt my cheeks flush as i nodded my head, Paul on the other hand had a huge grin on his face

"Now Paul i dont think i have to tell you to take care of my daughter but i will anyway, she is the most precious thing in my world and i am trusting you to keep her safe"

Paul walked towards us and extended his hand to my father who gladly shook it

"I promise i will protect her with my life. Shes the most precious thing in my life too and i love her"

Now i really couldnt help the blush that was spreading across my face. The two men shared a knowing look before they let go of each others hands. A loud yawn from my dad signalled it was time for us to go so i placed a quick kiss on his head and got off his bed.

"Get some rest daddy, ill be back tomorrow okay"

nodding his head, he gave my hand a small squeeze

"sure honey, hey can you bring me some real food when you come. This hospital food is garbage"

Paul was chuckling beside me and i simply rolled my eyes

"Sure daddy, see you tomorrow"

I felt alot better after seeing that my dad was okay but i still had that feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach about seeing my mom. I didn't even know what i was going to say to her.

"As soon as you want to leave baby just say the word and we're out of here"

i hadn't even realised we were already at the police station until Paul had cut off the engine and now i was more nervous than ever. Just knowing my mom was in that building and after what she did to my dad i could feel my blood beginning to boil.

"hey Livy you need to calm down babe, we could come back another time if you want"

Pauls hand over mine eased the tremors coursing through me and i shot him a thankful smile. You can do this, you need to. After a quick pep talk i got out of the truck and headed into the station with Paul right behind me.

"Hey Liv, i take it your here to see your mom"

Charlie was standing behind the front desk talking to a deputy as i approached, a wary smile on his face. I nodded and followed him to the back of the station where the cells were

"I'm going to be honest with you Liv, she hasn't made much sense she was brought in. Her and her partner are being transferred to Forks hospitals secure psych ward for evaluation very soon"

i glanced over at Paul briefly before walking through the heavy metal doorway and along the rows of cells. The smell of alcohol and sweat that assaulted my now sensitive nose caused me to gag a little, taking a deep breath i continued walking until i spotted her. She looked a mess sitting in the corner of the cell, her eyes squeezed shut. She was mumbling about monsters and giant dogs trying to get her.


her eyes shot open at the sound of my voice and as soon as she saw me she began to scream


before i could say anything Charlie pulled me away from the cell and escorted me back to the front of the station with Paul trailling behind us.

"I'm sorry you had to see that Liv, she lost it when Dr. Cullen tried to examine her as well, he believes drugs are the cause"

I knew it was cruel but what was happening to her was for the best, i had a secret to protect, a tribe and family to protect and yes i knew it was cruel but she brought this on herself when she chose to hurt my dad. Once i was back in Pauls truck i let out a sigh of relief, a suden wave of tiredness washing over me. I leaned against his shoulder as he started the engine.

"Let's just go home"

Times change, People change (Paul Lahote Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now