Oh my lord

498 18 15

You woke up the next morning in your bed but no sign of Denis.
Looking over at his house, you see he's not there either.
You got a text from Sophia
Sophia: You ready?
You rush to put on makeup and clothes, you brush your hair on the car ride there.
"Hey girl!" Sophia says, stepping into your car.
She looked great. She wore a band tee shirt and black skinny jeans with her regular beanie.
  "Make a left here and there's a mall not too far up" Sophia said, fixing her makeup.
You pulled in and it was a madhouse. People were running everywhere and there were toddlers with leashes on.
"HOLY HELL" you say.
"Welcome to Canada."
You shop around for a few hours and end up getting SubWay.
"So what advice did you say you needed again that day at the park?" Sophia said
"Oh, I was just wondering how I should talk to Denis" lies.
"He likes YouTube." Sophia said taking a sip of her lemonade,
"I noticed"
"Other than that, he's just a regular guy. An ass though. Do you talk to him much?" She asked,
"Should I tell her about what Denis said? What if she still has feelings for him and they get back together? STOP IT Y/N, those thoughts are selfish." You think to youself.
"Actually, we do. He told me his side of the story about.. you know.."
"Oh really? What did the jerk say this time?"
"He said he didn't want to, it your mother made him when he was plastered."
Sophia's face was red hot.
"He really seemed to have enjoyed it, for being threatened to do it." Sophia said, annoyed,
"Wait...we're they 'doing it' when you walked in on them?!" You asked
"Okay I lied a little. I didn't want to make it gross. They were."
"Yeah. He didn't seem 'plastered drunk' either. Whatever he told you was a lie."
"Huh. All this time, I thought he was a cool guy..." you said, disappointed.
"So did I...hey...you have feelings for him don't you." Sophia said, eyeing you
"What?! Hell no." You get realllly red
"I know you do." Sophia said, raising her eyebrows up and down
"OkAy. Maybe just a little, but not after finding this out."
"No no no, y/n, if you like him, that's fine. But just be careful. And I'm warning you, if he breaks your heart, I will break him and scatter his remains around the lake."
"Oh my, chill Sophia."
"Sorry. I watch a lot of horror movies."
"I noticed."

Time skip cuz I'm magical like that

You went home, a little bid sad, but also a little happy because now you had 'permission' to date him.
  "Y/n what are you even thinking?! He probably doesn't even like you anyway."
You think to yourself.
On the way home, you see Denis jogging towards you.
"Hey y/n! Where were you?"
"Where were YOU?"
"This morning when I woke up."
"Oh I walked down to the beach...I had to take a call. And yourself?"
"I was out with Sophia"
She looked at his feet again as if he was hiding something.
"What is it?"
"Nothing, hey can I ask you something?"
"Yeah anything."
"I want to contact my brother, but I don't know how."
"What?" You say confused,
"Yeah, we haven't seen or heard from each other in years. I want to talk to him again."
"Oh. Can you just call him?"
"The number won't go through."
"That's odd. I don't really know how to help you. I have my brother, he's like my best friend."
"I know.. can you just give my some suggestions on how to find him?"
You see your house come into vision down the road.
"Uh.. just try and talk to other people who know him." You said
"For what?"
"For the suggestion. I wouldn't have thought of that." He gave you a tooth grin.
"No problem. I've gotta get to the house. Race you there," you say, running off.
Sadly, you lose.
"Nooooooooo!" You scream,
"Haha! My long legs come in handy sometimes!" Denis said, smiling weird again.
You looked at him. He was like, a foot taller than you.
"Shut up. " you say, playfully punching him,
You guys walk through the front door to see your mother cooking in the kitchen.
"Oh hey dear! Is this the boy you have been rambling on about?" Your mother said, taking a break from the dishes and wiping off her hands,
"Uhh yeah... Mom, this is Denis, Denis, this is my mom, Eva."
"Nice to meet you Ms, l/n" Denis said, shaking your mothers hand and giving her a smile, "and thank you so much for letting me stay in your lovely home,"
  "Oh aren't you just the sweetest! And it's no problem at all. We love visitors!" Your mother said, getting back to the dishes.
  On your way upstairs, you stumble across Jimmy and Jennifer racing down
"MOVE IT- oh who's this?" Jennifer askes pointing at Denis
Denis laughs a bit and kneels down to talk to her.
"I'm Denis, you must be Jennifer." He shakes her hand.
"Are you a giant? You look like a giant." Jennifer says, sort of shaking back.
"No. I'm just tall."
Denis stands up again and faces Jimmy who is giving him the evil eye.
"So you're the one who's been hanging around my sister huh?" Jimmy try's to act cool.
"Jimmy I don't think- " you start.
"Wait one second, y/n" Jimmy says
You sigh.
"So you're dating my baby sister"
"Uhh no sir."
Even though Denis was only 2 years younger and much taller than Jimmy, he looked like the size of an ant.
"Yeah I didn't think so."
You drag Denis upstairs back to your room.
"Oh my god I'm soooooo sorry about that."
"It's fine. Theyre just looking out for you."
"I know but that's just weird."
"It's fine"
You go on babbling for a bit about how sorry you are and how psycho your brother is until you're cut off, by a kiss?
"Oh my god," you think. "No way,"

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