chapter 6

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turns out those 'wisps' were actually memories of my parents.

memory 1:

we fell through the air and landed in hogwarts ... but it was about 25 years ago. 2 boys and a girl walked past us as if we didn't exist. "that's ur mum dad and tom when they were at school together!" dumbledore whispered beside me. i knew tom was voldermort. i looked at tom. he was staring at my mum with a wishful look in his eyes. i then looked at my mum and dad. they had their arms around eachothers waist. suddenly mum and dad let go. tom and mum went one way dad went another. we followed the two outside.

"you wanted to talk tom?"

"yer i...i...i i need to tell you something"


"i ... i ... i love you dora" my mum slapped tom and ran off.

next thing i knew we were back in dumbledores office. "so voldermort liked my mum but she was going out with dad?" "yep. tom swore he'd get revenge and he did. do u mind if i do something?"

"sure" i sounded nervous as he put his wand to my head and slowly pulled it away. he was pulling out a wisp - a memory. he put it in the basin and we fell back in.

memory 2:

this time we were at my old house. or at least i think it was. i saw my dad playing with a little girl and guessed that was me. i was only about 4 years old. my mum was changing her appearance to make me laugh. everything quickly went dark. there was a loud bang and the door had been knocked down. voldermort walked in and pointed at me and my mum. "im not gonna hurt either of you for now but me and Oliver have some unfinished business to sort! now go!" my mum picked me up and we ran out. we watched from the window and listened to their arguement. by the end they both had their wands out "i said id get revenge. nows my chance! you'll all get it now. ill be back for you two later" my mum screamed and there was a green flash.

everything that had happened came flooding back - my dad dying, my mum leaving. i collapsed on the floor of dumbledores office. my dad, my mum gone cuz of him! "who were my parents and what happened to mummy?"

"Oliver hockley and nymphadora tonks! and your mum is still alive!" i felt my eyes change colour and saw my hair too. "blue eyes, blonde hair! its beautiful. it means your sad right? albus sighed. i nodded.

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