Chapter 1

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Jasper's back hits a tree behind him causing the already dying leaves to fall from their branches.  He watches the golden flakes make their slow descent when one of his assailants clears their throat. He sets his gaze back to the group of men and women in front of him. Three men and two women with their fangs barred. Jasper sighs. He's never supported violence, but if he wanted to survive this, he'd have to fight his way out.

"Hey!" someone shouts from down the trail. "What's going on up there!" Jasper looks between two of his assailants to see a petite brunette girl and a tall muscular brunet man.

"None of your business, Sol." One of the females says snidely. The girl, Sol, steps up to them.

"Is that so, Deschene?"

"Thea," the man standing behind her warns. Thea pays no heed to his warning. Her finger tips crackle with pent up energy causing the vampires to teeter on their feet. They'd heard of the infamous Elthea Sol. She was rumored to be the strongest witch of her generation, and so far no one had disproved that.

"What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were off on your trials," the other woman in the group of vampires remarks.

"I've finished them," Thea says with a shrug. "Now let this man alone," she says threateningly, or at least as threatening as a five foot three girl can sound. The vampires laugh and Thea's finger tips crackle louder. The palm of her left hand glows a blue hue as a mark forms.

"Best listen to her," The man behind her says,

"Oh shut it, Blair." One of the female vampires says crossing her arms. "What's she gonna do? Zap us?"

"Shut up! I'm getting tired of waiting!" One of the men says. He pounces on Jasper sinking his fangs into his neck. Jasper unsheathes his dagger and stabs the vampire in the shoulder. He releases his grip on Jasper's neck and staggers back, yanking the dagger out.

Meanwhile, Thea releases the build up of energy in a blinding blue light taking down the two female vampires.

"Why are you defending him!?" One of the men asks. "He's a Hunter!" Blair knocks the vampire unconscious effortlessly.

"Why are we defending him?" He asks Thea.

"If they kill him, more Hunter's will come." She explains.  "I don't know about you, but I haven't any desire to deal with them.  Especially now."  She turns to the last two vampires. "Get that one off him and I'll take care of this guy." She says. Blair nods.

The vampire who attacked Jasper pounces again. He knocks Jasper to the ground and bites at his neck once more. Jasper hits him, but without a weapon he was useless. Normally he'd be able to hold his own against a vampire, especially a weak one like this, but he was intoxicated and already on the ground. There was no getting out of this.

The vampire is yanked off of Jasper causing his fangs to leave gashes on his neck. Jasper let's out a groan in pain and clasps a hand over his wound. He looks up to find the brunet man tossing the vampire against a tree. Thea had already taken out the other one with ease. Blair jabs at a spot on the vampire's neck and he collapses.

"Your knowledge of anatomy is dangerous," Thea notes with a nod. Blair gives her a half smile before looking back at Jasper.

"What're we to do with him?" He asks. Thea looks Jasper over.

"He's lost a lot of blood," She says leaning down next to him. "What's your name?" She asks.

"Jasper," He says hoarsely. Thea pulls his hand away slowly and cringes at the wound on his neck.

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