Chapter 4

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With all the hustle and bustle of the girl, who's name Jasper learned to be Skyla, and Conrad returning barely alive out of a group eight, everyone had seemingly forgotten about Jasper.  Caleb had Sarah show him to Blair's usual room and told him to wait there, out of the way, until Blair could keep an eye on him.  He listened, obviously, it was in his best interest after all.  Play the good servant part, earn a bit of trust, and then kill the vampire.  Easy.

Or perhaps not,

Jasper had only spent roughly twelve hours with the vampire, but when Blair came stumbling into his room covered in blood and in a daze, Jasper was worried.

"Are you alright?" He asks with a quirked brow.  Blair looks to him, but it's almost as if his gaze goes through him.

"No," Blair answers simply.

"What's wrong?" Blair lets out an unexpected laugh.  It was harsh, cold, and it sent a chill up Jasper's spine.

"I'm a vampire, their doctor," he says nodding towards the door indicating the pack, "and I haven't eaten in a while." Jasper gives a confused look.  There was stew in the kitchen, why didn't he-

It dawned on him.

"O-oh," Jasper lets out a stutter.  He was hungry.  The internal battle began.

What do I do?  Nothing!  Something!  He's a vampire!  You're a human!  You're a main course for him, and Hunters are probably a delicacy.  Why do I even care?!

Jasper furrows his brow and after a moment settles the issue.

"You're hungry?" Jasper repeats.  Blair, who'd been in the middle of changing, glances back at Jasper.

"Yes," Blair's unreadable gaze bored unto Jasper causing the blond to heat up from embarrassment.  

"You can...could...I mean I'm willing to y-you know," Jasper stumbles through his words unable to reach his end result.  He dared to look into Blair's eyes.  That was a mistake.  The once unreadable expression now danced with amusement, and Jasper honestly would have preferred unreadable Blair at a moment like this.  

"Are you offering yourself to me?" Blair summarizes with a smirk.  Jasper nods.

"Yea," he murmurs uncomfortably.  Blair walks over to Jasper who was seated on the bed.  He leans down slowly.  Jasper's heart jumps in his chest as he tilts his head to the side slightly.  Blair takes his sweet time inhaling Jasper's scent, and Jasper closes his eyes in anticipation.  After a moment that seemed like forever, Blair laughs.  Jasper's eyes shoot open as the vampire whispers into his ear.

"Not my type," he bites lightly at Jasper's earlobe before standing back up.  

To say Jasper was embarrassed was an understatement, he was red.  Everywhere.  His blood pressure was rising at an alarming rate from anger.  

"What the hell?" He snaps.  The amused look in Blair's eyes only seemed to grow from Jasper's reaction, but before Blair or Jasper had a chance to say more there was a knock at the door.

"It's open," Blair says.  Thea opens the door carrying bowl.

"Here," She says handing the bowl off to Blair.  "We're going to have to stock up for you, that was the last one." She says solemnly.  Blair nods.

"Thanks Thea," She gives a strained smile then leaves.

"What's that?" Jasper asks.  

"My dinner," Blair replies without looking to him.  Jasper's face grew even redder.  

Idiot, he scolds himself.  He watches intently as Blair tips the bowl back and drinks from it.  A moment later the color returns to Blair's face and he doesn't look nearly as tired as before.

"What're you looking at, pet?" Blair asks.  Jasper glares at him.

"A monster," He retorts.  The bowl clatters onto the ground as Blair rushes Jasper.  He pulls the blond up by his shirt and stares him in the eye.

"I dare you to say that again," Jasper opens his mouth to speak, but the little voice in the back of his mind screams in protest.  He hesitates before quietly repeating himself.

"A monster," Blair tosses Jasper to the ground and he lands with a thud.

"You Hunters are all the same.  You see us as the monsters when you're the ones who murder innocent civilians."  Jasper glares up Blair.

"I killed monsters not 'innocent civilians'.  I don't remember the last time a vampire was considered even remotely close to innocent." 

"That's because you all shoot first and ask questions never.  You're born to be killers.  You're raised to believe that if it's different from you it's wrong.  You hunt us like animals because we're different.  Because you're afraid, and you should be.  I should've let the others kill you."

"So why didn't you!?" Jasper and Blair stare each other down and after a moment Blair looks away.  He opens the door and slams it shut leaving Jasper alone in the room shaking with anger.  He had to get his hands on blade.  He had to get out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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