Chapter 2

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"Hey, Thea," Jasper says looking to the witch by his side.

"Hm?" She asks not looking up.  She was far too preoccupied with the leaf in her hand.

"Earlier you mentioned that you've been claimed.  What exactly do you mean by that?" Thea lets out a sigh.  Her breath coming out in a thick puff from the crisp autumn air.

"When you hear the word Den, what do you think of?" She asks, still focused on the copper colored leaf.


"Anything else?" Jasper thinks on it for a moment.


"Exactly," She says with a nod. Jasper gives her a quizzical look.

"I don't follow," Thea pivots on her heel and drops the leaf.

"The Den we're going to is the home of a pack.  Their Alpha....well," she pauses.  "Do you know what it means to be Mated?" He shakes his head.


"Being Mated is a very special thing for lycans, werewolves, shifters-whatever you want to call them.  It's very rare for one of them to be Mated to someone of a different species, but it does occasionally happen." Jasper nods,

"And you've been Mated," he guesses.  Thea gives a smile,


"Do you like him?" Thea rolls her eyes.

"I've known him for a very long time, and we've never been overly friendly towards one another.  We didn't realize we'd been Mated until about a year ago, actually." She says thoughtfully.

"You've been Mated for a year?" Jasper asks incredulously.

"Oh, no, we've been Mated since we first met, but the mark it leaves is hidden."  Thea stops and turns her back to Jasper.  She pulls her hair to the side revealing the start of what looks to be a tattoo at the base of her spine.

"How far does it go?" Jasper asks tracing the mark with his finger tips gently.

"It isn't small," she says with a frown.  Jasper nods.

"What are you going to do about it?" Thea shrugs.  It was obvious she wasn't thrilled about the idea of being a shifters mate.

"Nothing, Caleb can find someone else," Blair steps up beside them.

"That isn't how it works, Thea." He says with a disapproving look.  She glares at him.

"I didn't exactly ask for this, Blair!" 

"Is that why we're going to the Den?" Jasper cuts in.  Thea nods slowly.

"Caleb's the Alpha of his pack, and a few days ago I ran into his sister.  She's a good friend of mine and said he hasn't been himself recently.  I told her I'd stop by." She admits.

"So you care for him?" Jasper quirks a brow.

"No! Not one bit! I'm doing this for Reyna!" Jasper gives a half smile.  She hadn't convinced him in the slightest.

"Let's move, we still have a few hours before we get there." Blair says putting his hand to the small of Thea's back ushering her forward.  She nods and continues walking.  Jasper falls back next to Blair.

"What about you?" He asks.  Blair glances down to Jasper.

"What about me?" 

"What's your story? Why are you hanging around with a witch and a pack of lycans?" Jasper clarifies.  Blair rolls his eyes.

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