Clean Up, Clean Up >:)

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"What's goin on in that innocent mind of yours doll?" He asked looking up at me from the tub with a grin plastered on his beautiful face.

"Nothing." I said with a smile and put a sliver of hair behind my ear.

"Doll, I know something's up. You always put your hair behind your ear when you're nervous or scared or angry." He said with a confused look.

"I'm fine J." I said with a small laugh.

"Hmm.. Alright." He said with an even bigger smirk. I have a feeling he is going to want to revisit this conversation later. I smiled a little more and he eventually went back to cleaning himself after examining my body for a few seconds.

"What time do you kids think you'll be done?" Mr. Cicero grumbled.

"Whenever we finish." I snapped at the old man.

"It's alright, doll. He's our friend, aren't you Mr. Cicero?" J said looking toward Mr. Cicero.

"Of course." Mr. Cicero said with a forced smile which called me to roll my eyes. "What story do you have if the cops find out?"

"We'll act innocent. A fatherless child whose mother's body was cut up. All we have to do is hide it where someone will find it and then doll here and I will find poor mother and then I will fall on my knees and start crying and that'll show the cops we're innocent. We'll make other people look like they did it by telling them her sex partners and how they had anger issues." J said.

"Sounds good. Tell me when you're done. I'm gonna lay on the couch." I said as I headed out of the small bathroom and headed onto the couch. I eventually dozed off and was awoken to Jerome shaking me.

"C'mon princess. It's time to get up." He said.

"Done already?" I asked with a yawn.

"Yup. It's been two an a half hours doll." He said as he picked me up bridal style and I rested my head on his shoulder. Once again I pondered how the hell I got so damn lucky.

"I love you Jerome." I said.

"I love you too, doll." He said and I could feel his sincere smile that was reserved only for me. He always had to put an act in public that was not necessarily cocky, but he always had a playful attitude, but when it was just us, he'd be the gentlemen, and even if there were people he'd still be a gentlemen to me, but he wouldn't show his soft side or give anyone else his genuine smile. It was reserved for me and only me. "So doll, what had you worried?" He asked.

"Huh?" I asked as I lifted my head off of his chest.

"Back at Cicero's trailer, you did your nervous habit of putting hair behind your ear. I know you far too well princess." He said with his signature smirk.

"Cicero just gives me weird vibes, ya know? What if he tells the cops and we're sent to some juvenile prison, or worse... Arkham." I shuddered.

"That's not gonna happen lovebug. I won't let it happen." He said with a full on serious expression on his face and I laid my head back on his chest. "I love you too much to let you go." He whispered.

"Stop for a second." I said.

"What?" He asked as he looked down at me and I lifted my head to reach his soft lips and pecked his lips.

"I love you, J. Why don't I walk for a few?" I asked.

"Of course, m'lady." He said as he put me down.

"Thanks." I said as I grabbed his large, soft hands and intertwined them with mine.

Jerome and I decided to head to his trailer so no one would suspect us and we fell asleep. Luckily I had a few spare pajamas here from previous nights spent here with J. Jerome wrapped his soft hands around my waist and grabbed my wrist and we just laid there and fell asleep. 

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