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 The voice was deep and heavy in my mind, barring me of the current situation. My body felt numb as I lay on the cold concrete road. What was I doing again?

 I turned my head to the side and immediately was blinded by the blue and red of the ambulance vehicle, parked up beside, what once was a car, but now a mangled metal mess. Dozens of people in official uniforms swarmed the site, trying to salvage what looked to be the dead passengers. A girl around my age was hauled out of the wreck and placed in a black bag, but just as they were zipping up the pouch, her head lolled to the side and I managed to get a glimpse of her.

 My world stopped.

 She had my dark hair that I had inherited from my father. She had the very same angular, sharp features that I got from my mother, and my unusual height, that neither parents claimed. Was that me?


 I couldn’t ignore the voice anymore. As my world started to fade, and my vision gradually grew weaker, I succumbed to the darkness and the oddly comforting voice.

 “It is time…”

Fate - A Death's Door Writing CompetitionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora