Chapter 3

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I let out a gasp as the voice resonated through my mind. It was oddly familiar, and the more I concentrated I could feel an over bearing presence delving deeper into my mind. I looked around, a part of me hoping to see a figure among the frozen scenery in front of me.

“Raven,” The voice echoed, something like amusement rang through it. As the voice spoke it felt like something slow and slimy was sliding down my spine.

That wasn’t very wise was it? It would be a shame to lose you. You have so much potential,” Its voiced paused and everything was silent. I felt sick.

Then again, if you wish to plunge to your death, so who am I to stop you.” 

Suddenly it felt like my invisible wall had crumbled and I was falling again. The wind whipping my face on the way down, and the detail of the grass I could make out was alarming. A shrill shrieking noise erupted into the air, and I tried in vain to think of ways to land somewhat safely; if it was even humanly possible.

That’s right Raven, scream. I’m the only one who can hear you, after all.

I closed my eyes and continued my descent toward the ground. But surprisingly, I hit the wall instead.

I shakily unfurled my arms and slowly opened my eyes. My heart was beating faster than ever and I was starting to see black spots. I greedily sucked in the freezing air around me, and tried desperately not to look down.

Then it talked. “This is fun; believe me. I could watch you die,” At that I screamed as I dropped a couple of metres, and then hit the wall again.

But that’s not fun, is it?” It paused. “What I’m really trying to say is, how would like another shot? To be alive again”

And just like the bird, I froze.


No. That’s not true...I’m not...” As my mind struggled for my sanity which was slowly ebbing away, the voice spoke up.

Well would you look at that, I guess I missed out on something.” It let out a deep chuckle, then grew alarmingly serious “But I can fix that.

Pain sliced through me as millions, upon millions of images burst through a trap door in my mind. The images raced together forming familiar memories, which only intensified the pain I was feeling.

Me and mom were shouting at one another appeared. I threw my hands up in the air and thundered out of the house. Then it was me again, only this time I was in a car. I was crying and I wasn’t sure where I was going, only that I had to get away.

My phone vibrated and I looked down at the compartment. 1 missed call: Mom. I let out a groan and looked up at the road. I screamed as I swerved the wheeled, trying to regain control, but I knew it was already too late when I hurtled into the tree. The last thing I remembered as I felt myself slipping away was dark red eyes, glaring at me from the darkness.

I let out a gasp and peeled my eyes open. All coherent thought had left me and I was closely imitating a fish out of water. I looked around hoping the voice would speak up, but I was just left in silence. Or so I thought.

Now that has been fixed, it’s about time you and I had a proper chat.

And then I was falling.

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