Back at home : 21

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Next morning : I woke up to my alarm that I set and got dressed in a crop top with black ripped jeans and some jewelry and curled my hair and then I walked out the bathroom and made sure everything was packed if u guessed yep I am going back home as in Washington I am tired of all of this drama so I booked a flight any way I made sure I had every thing then grabbed my phone and purse and headed out the door to the air port and saw the rental car people to pick the car up so I gave them the keys and thanked them then got on the plane .

6 hours later : I got off the plane and saw my car still there so I walked to it and headed to the gas station to put some gas in my car and left to the college .

1 hour later : I walked inside my dorm and set my stuff down and sat on my bed and went to sleep

5 :00 : I was woken up by my phone ringing to I saw it was Don calling

ME: yes

Don : where are u

ME: back home

Don : u mean at the college

ME: yea

Don : when did u leave

ME: about 5 AM

Don : and u did not tell me

ME: I wanted to be alone and I did not want to talk to any one at the time

Don :idc I need  u to call me okay got a guh worried sick

ME:well sorry

Don : yea yea shut up

ME:when are yall coming back

don : um in January duh

ME: mk  well iwttyl  ( A/N: that means: I will talk to you later _)

Don : kk

she hung up and then I go another pone call from an unknown number

ME: hello

Jac : wow u answered

ME: (scoffs ) what do u want

Jac: that I a mean way to speak to ur cousin

ME: yea okay "cousin"

Jac: any way I wanted to tell you something about ur ex cu some f the stuff ur ex JJ told u was not true

Me : okay

Jac : you one Domni is adopted those are not his real parents he was dropped off at the age of four at a foster home he has been abused and his real parents is Ce Ce's parents and she knew  oh and he does not have on e but 5 baby moms actually he got all of them preggo during Alice and ur relationship also 2 with Alice  and the rest with u ( A/N : what he means is he got 2 girls preggo during his and Alice relationship and the rest during her and his relation ship )

I just sat there frozen

Jac: and ur bf JJ lost his thing when he was 13 and got a chick preggo during yalls relation ship and u were also a bet to see who would u fall for and  his parents are dead he lives with his aunt and uncle

I did not sat a thing I just stared off in to space

Jac : all those things were lies

I hung up and threw the phone at the wall and it broke and I got on my computer and saw a lot of stuff from Domni so I blocked him from m contact closed my lap top and went to sleep


I know I know short but it is okay



College life 3rd book to the brother seriesWhere stories live. Discover now