Secrets and oh betrayal Part 5 (final chappie )chapter : 28

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 (A/N I know i know not a long third book but i will have an A/N the next chappie and stuff fotr more info so bye and read ) 

Don's pov : i woke up to see every one tied up and crying or shaking . I tried to move but i looked back to see i was also tied up and i looked to see tyler beaten up and bruised badly and every one else clean and fine then i heard foot steps and boy were they big but they weren't just two feet there were more  .

ME:Tyler who are they who is here beside  Ur (gco)

They walked and what did i see Domni,Her dad,Jacob (L not P ) ,Jonathon and the man who tried to rape her years ago and a boy who looked around our age .

Her dad: that would be us now we all now these people ( points at Domni and you know who)

Man : Tyler My name is Derek and i am your real father and i am sorry that i tried to rape you 

we all gasp 

My : u are sorry for trying to do something so cruel and it was too ur own daughter 

then we heard feet and down came Lucas  to me we were not that surprised cuz i mean he did not like Tyler at first so like yea .

Boy : ah right my name is Dominic and i am Tyler's and Jacob's bigger and older bro 

Tyler and Jacob rolled there eyes  even Lucas  .

Man :alright now lets get down to secrets  

we all looked at him now we all know some things need to be told so Don lets start with ur mom

Man : your mom said ur dad left and cheated on ur mother with a worker right

ME:: yes 

Man : that is a lie she is the one that cheated she just lied so you would hate ur  father  and not only that he is not ur real  dad she cheated on ur father then put the baby aka you to be his and when u came out he knew u were not his but he kept you and loved you .

i was so shocked and looked at my mom and she looked down in shame 

Man : now Myasia Your mother aye she is so cute but the thing is that is not yo momma 

MY: huh

Man : yo light skin self was adopted by them cuz yo real mom did not want you and she was a druggie and yo father walked out on her that is why u was  givin up .

she looked like she was going to cry .

Man : don't cry any way um yea Ce ce  yea um ur life is nice but lets just say ur  family has lied about some things um the  house you guys live in s not urs the money  u  guys make ur mother stole  it and she also went to jail for murder .

C:Ma are u kidding me crying ) 

Man : um kayla you know that you have been abused your whole life never told any one not even ur bffs and would hide the scars and when u tried to call the cops they were lied to by ur so called father and he is also an drug attic but ur mother never  would believe u because shew knew it was true  and Rae ur father was a drug dealer her got killed but he also never payed any attention to you what so ever all he cared about was rugs and money and last but not least Lucas,Jacob,and ur so called father were the ones that killed Macy its just Jacob had took the blame to save them and also so u would have the choroid hood you deserve , But Macy  was not the girl you thought she was behind closed doors she loved to party be with bps get in to fights Etc. but not only that she would play with boys hearts including you know who so there you go all the secrets are out .

I looked at Tyler and she looked so sad and mad at the same time 

Tyler : why am i here 

Man : cuz ur coming with me 

he then grabbed her and ran ouyut the house while we screamed ad the boys ran after him.

Ty's pov : he carried me as i screamed and kicked  

Me : why are u doin this you should have stayed i my life now why try now i could have saw you (crying )

Man : because u are   my child 

he threw me in the car and then i felt pain and drifted off to sleep .

5 hours later : i woke up in a bed not tied up or anything so i got up and opened the door and saw i was in a house and there were pics of me and as a baby then i saw her My so called mother i just shook my head and walked down the all and i heard a video game so i followed thhe sound to a room and i peeked in to see Domnic playing video games and he turned his head to see me  and paused it and i walked in side 

ME: why stop keep playin

Do:cuz i don't like to be rude 

ME: why am i here

Do: because my dad wants his daughter you know u were taken away 

before i could say anything 

Do L and jacob did not want any one to know u were his lil sister calm down

ME: well okay u just the worlds out my mouth

D :i know right........... wanna play

ME: sure why not 

3 hours later : i was beating him and GTA 

ME: woooooooo hoooo yes babeh ( starts to milly rock )

Do : maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn

i fell out laughing then i saw him with this creepy smirk and he started to tickle me and i was laughing hard before i pee 

then he stopped 

ME: what state  are we in

DO : we still in cali and i called ur family they  will be here shortly so ur good and dad he went somewhere  

30mins later and then i saw the girls and my mom 

ME: hey yall 

them : hey 

we all hugged and started talking and stuff

????POV : she is all grown up and now i get to see her  more since i am back i love you tyler baby




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