Chapter One- Hunger

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If you had the chance to live again would you?-----


That's all there was. The resounding blankness that hollowed itself out. Nothing in life, nothing in death, what was there to actually want to be there or here? In life there was boredom, like bugs squirming under you skin, until you just wanted to sleep and never wake. Then there was the pain, life is pain, love is pain, happiness is pain. Everything is pain. It takes up your ever waking thought and then follows you into your dreams, your nightmares. Its darkness that latches onto you, gets its dirty little claws inside of you and digs them deep so you can't shake them off.

Pain is what she always felt, the yelling and screaming, is what was always happening. The poison that her mother forced down her own throat. She learned no one really cares about anyone. They all judge people, always thinking something dirty and rotten. Not interested in what people have to say. They have their on pain that eats away at them, their own scars, just like Criysa's whose were painted all over her body in white ragged lines.

She was nothing though.

Not here.

There was nothing, expect a raving hunger she had never felt before in her whole life.

It crawled up her body, making her stomach cramp, mind convulsing with the pain of it. Never in her whole life had she ever felt this craving, raw hunger roared at her in her mind, her stomach a wage of cramps and pain.  


 There it is, what life is. How she knows she's alive.

Her body sprung up and a gasp pulled between her lips, her lungs filling with oxygen, her eyes jerking open wide starring at the silvery moon. The first breath of oxygen was cracked and broken like a wheeze as if the air couldn't actually move through her body. Body convulsing another breath pulled air from around her filling her lungs. Then she felt her heart start to move inside of her chest, beating again.

The thought that she was alive, was the last thing on her mind though.

The yearning hunger pierced her stomach, taking up all thoughts that she may of had. Taking another breath gleefully, her mouth watered as a most enticing smell filled her nostrils. She stood on wobbly legs, using the wall for support and stumbling down the dirty alleyway. Trash littered the ground, a dumpster laid a few feet in front of her, and a door that had the most luscious smell animating from it. Criysa ignored the way her stomach shriveled up with the thought of the browning banana on the ground. Little light was reached the inside of the cramped ally, but it was as if Criysa could see in broad daylight, she saw the glass on the ground, the rats scurrying across the concrete, the disposed purse in a corner on the ground.

Eyes searched crazily, for something, she couldn't really put her thumb on it, but she knew it would help her hunger pains. She's starved before, when the medicine made her to sick to keep anything down, but this feeling was more. This feeling couldn't compare to anything she had ever felt before, it was if as she hadn't had anything to eat for years. When she was alive, yes she had been starving, but hunger was something she actually rarely felt, right now her stomach screamed in pain, hunger. Stepping over a crack brick laying on the ground, probably from falling from the decaying building on her right, she started to move faster down the strip.

A creak had her head snapping to the side, a man stumbled from a door coming from the building. An animalistic growl rose from her throat when the stench of alcohol sharply teased her nose, but something even more delicious and desirable coursed through him that had Criysa moving with stealthy movements to the large man. Something inside of her shifted and her thoughts meld into nothing as she got close enough to attract the mans attention, his brown eyes looked up until they came in contact with Criysa's. A small tempting smile graced her lips and she walzted over to the man with a profound strength and confidence and she almost laughed when his eyes followed the line of her body. Lust crawled its way into his chocolate eyes. As she got closer her mouth watered even more and all rational thought left her mind, she had no idea what she was doing, but it was as if she was led by some invisible force, as if it was primal instinct. She didn't register when she leaped in the air like a hungry predator catching its prey or the mans dark eyes grow wide, or even when she opened her mouth like an animal and....

Noah Blaine watched as the little vixen's tempting mouth clamp down on the helpless male. A smirk drew its way to his lips, as she arched her back, her hands clamping down on his shoulders, her legs tightly viced around the man's waist. A scream rushed from his throat until her hand snapped over it. The male fell to wall and his big hands snapped onto the waist of the little female, but she barely flinched when he started to struggle. He saw her slender throat working as she swallowed the blood. He felt desire flow through him, hardening his shaft, as her small body starting to move with the desire of first blood. When her thrusts became more wild and urgent he frowned as he felt his shaft thicken even more. The little moans exciting from her mouth had him groaning with his own pleasure. He wanted to wrap her long, thick blood red hair around his fist and taste the blood flowing through her body.

His ear's ticked at the sound of the man's heart beating become weaker and with quick steps was beside the young girl, gripping her arms and pulling her off the man roughly. A scratchy growl escaped from her throat and her head shifted towards him. Her little row of razor teeth snapping at him, had the alpha in him rise up.

Baring his own, larger teeth at her, he let out his own growl that tumbled from his chest and said with a rough growling egde, "Bad little demon."

Her sea green eyes blinked up at him, confusion causing a frown to grace her smooth lips, until her body relaxed.

"What happened to me?" He could feel his sheath twitch at the sexy huskiness of the girls voice.

Without taking another second, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his chest. He wiped away some blood staining her mouth and replied, "Your a mortem."


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