Chapter Three- Drinking Your Life

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Her heart was barely beating in her body, she could barely hear it as each beat was less than the one before. She didn't really feel anything, just the slow draining of the life she was gifted with. Confusion marred her as her blood slowed in her body.

Wheezing breaths pulled past her lips and her thoughts were muddled together. She didn't really understand what was happening.

She was dying, again.

Her eyes blinked, the images in front of her blurry, like a fog was settled over them. Her mind started to shut down, until her eyes blinked less and less and darkness covered her mind once again.

Kryan Malign smiled as he stared at the young girl laying on the ground. Her heart barely pumped blood throughout her body. He reconizged right away that she was a mortem, it was painted on her like a sign. Her blood red hair was spread above her head like a halo, her ashen skin, he could say was probably once milky. He took short steps to her and crounched down on a knee, barely caressing his knuckles across her cheek, that had cracks crawling along her skin. He shook his head, his hair tickled his eyes.

"Silly little mortem, don't you know, that if you give your soul, you die sooner or later."

Pulling a cusp from his jacket pocket, he slid the black bangle up her arm until it was situated just above the crease in her arm. He blinked as a large breath slurped past her lips and her grass eyes opened up to look at him.

He bent to her ear and whispered in her ear, "Your soul is what you are mortem, without your soul, your nothing, everyday without your soul, you slowly fade away, until what and who you are is nowhere. Until you awaken as something else, and the being you once was is gone. You fade away without your soul."

Kryan pulled back a little and dipped his eyes to her pink lips, "I can give you life for awhile, but sooner or later, you need your soul."

With that he pressed his lips to hers and sucked. Pleasure swarmed through his body and a moan pressed to his ears before he felt small arms wrapped around his neck. A small little body pressed into his and desire drank at his body. Until the beast flared behind his eyes and he dove into her mouth. Sliding his tongue roughly against hers and taking what was now his.


Criysa opened her eyes with a clam she never knew. She was alive, she was starting to think that death was a better combination then this.

Her eyes rolled around the room and she realized she had no clue where she was. The lights were lowered in a golden glow and brown oak stood beautifully against the soft colors splattered around the room. Pulling herself up her eyes traced the room, until she heard the door creak and within a matter of seconds she was on the other side of the room.

"Now little mortem, is that any way to treat the person who saved your life?" a barrel tone voice asked.

Her eyes attached onto the man now standing at the only exit. He was huge and dark, it had a emotion sliding across her she never felt before. He was covered in sin, darkness it slithered off of him in waves, until the step he took inside the room had her heart slamming into her chest.

"Who are you?" her voice came out hoarse which caused her to frown.

"Aww, you almost died, Criysa. Don't you know you need a soul to live?" He asked with amusement in covering his voice.

She tensed when he took another step into the room, realizing that his dark eyes almost black, held so much more to them, he was much older than her, which meant he was much stronger. So if she wanted out, she didn't stand a chance, her nostrils flared taking in the scent of him.

A frown graced her lips when she couldn't detect what he was.

A deep laugh caused her to jump and slide her eyes over him.

"You won't be able to know what I am, little girl," His deep voice slid over her causing her to stiffle a shiver.

Her shoulders rotated as she gritted her teeth inside her mouth, "What do you want with me?"

"You have a week to get your soul back or you die?" He shrugged as if that explained that all.

His eyes met hers and she stared into them until she felt as if something dark was washing over her and she quickly moved her eyes away. She gasped and knocked into the wall when he was suddenly in front of her, his thick arms caged her in between his body and the wall.

A growl rippled from her body, but she shut up right away when a demonic sound erupted from him. Rising her eyes to his face, his eyes were completely black his jaw clamped so tight a tick started in his jaw.

"I'm much older than you litte mortem, you wouldn't want to growl at me. After all, all I wanted was a little kiss."

She hissed between her lips and said, "Screw you."

"Oh don't worry, we'll be getting there very soon, little girl."

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