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{Dean created a group chat}
     {Dean added Sam and Castiel to the group chat}
           {Sam added Gabriel to the group chat}

Dean: heyyyy

Castiel: hello, Dean. But, why not talk, or at least call?

Sam: he thinks it's more fun

Dean: damn right it is

Gabriel: let's give each other nicknames, this is boring.

Sam: yeah, it's like a boring fanfiction

Dean: and you would know this because?

Sam: ummm....

Dean: and you call me a fanboy

{Gabriel changed Sam to Sexy Moose}

Sexy Moose: Oh hEll nO

{Sexy Moose changed Gabriel to Low key Loki}

Low key Loki: nice word play, Samantha

{Dean changed Castiel to bumble bee}

Bumble bee: okay, but why the bumble?

Dean: because your a special snowflake cas.

{bumble bee changed dean to bisexual bitch}

Bisexual bitch: wtf?

Bumble bee: well its true.

Sexy moose: *dies of laughter*

Low key Loki: that was beautiful Castiel

Bumble bee: I don't understand where the humor is originating from.

Bisexual bitch: it's okay baby, their being dicks

Low key Loki: takes one to know one

Bisexual bitch: grow up, asshole

Low key Loki: I'll have you know, I am older than earth itself.

Sexy moose: it's nice to know I'm dating an older man

Low key Loki: well I'm not actually a man, for I am a powerful archangel.

Sexy moose: oh, so why do you bottom then?

Bisexual bitch: ooOoOooOOoooO

Bumble bee: can we go cuddle, dean?

Bisexual bitch: of course, my angel

{Bisexual bitch has left the chat}
   {Bumble bee has left the chat}

Low key Loki: make me food sammeh

Sexy moose: ugh, fine

{Low key Loki has left the chat}
    {Sexy moose has left the chat}
         {the chat has ended}

Hey, hope you enjoyed!

~~~Maddie the /mostly\ human~~~

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