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{bisexual bitch added bumble bee, sexy moose, and low key loki to the conversation}

bisexual bitch: hey cas

bumble bee: Yes, Dean?

bisexual bitch: are you a puzzle piece because we fit together perfectly.


bisexual bitch: trust me, i can do better.

low key loki: please dont

bisexual bitch: are you my phone screen in the morning because you blind me with you beauty

bumble bee: thank you, but I'm slightly confused

bisexual bitch: are you Santa because I want you up my chimney

sexy moose: OMG YOU NEED TO STOP

low key loki: hey samantha

sexy moose: WHAT

low key loki: are you a bra because you give me support

bisexual bitch: thats a fun one

sexy moose: NICE ONE

bumble bee: SaMueL dOnt EncOUrAgE thEm

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