Chapter 8

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Harish, the atomic research chief was busy in his cabin preparing for the visit for Rudolf. His hotline rang and he picked up the phone.


"Am I speaking to Mr. Harish?"

"Speaking... Who is this?"

"This is Theodre, Inspector General of CBI speaking"

"Hey Theodre... I thought of calling you. Good that you called me. Did you get any information on Odessey?"

"Yes I did... She is an Anglo Indian who is mentally disturbed. She escaped from the mental hospital last week, entered into the US embassy with a toy remote control, created a scare that she has planted a bomb and that she is going to make it explode using the remote"

"Oh My god. So do you say that Odessey is the one who called me?"

"She has been moved to mental hospital again and got the information that securing her is really a challenge. She escapes frequently and finding her is a tough job for the hospital management"

"But I have a big question for you"


"You said that she is mentally not stable lady. How did she get my hotline number?"

"We are still investigating that Harish"

"But you will have to remember that Rudolf will be here soon. So you will have to investigate that sooner."

"I hear you. Is there a way to stop his visit?"

"Do you think that we have not tried to stop him? I have tried my best and couldn't as the decision lies with my superiors. For your information, Rudolf reaches Delhi tomorrow at 10 PM. He is having a series of meetings until 3 AM with us, three hours of rest and then leaves to US at 7 AM by EZ 636 flight like any other passenger"

"I see a huge risk in this plan that too travelling with normal passengers"

"I know it is risk, but none understands, including Rudolf Keppler. He seems more confident in this plan"

"Have you done any specific security arrangements?"

"We have done as much as we could. It is not easy when he travels along with 250 other people. The danger might be while coming from US or while returning back"

"Frankly speaking, it should be US's worry than us. He is needed for them than us"

"But if something happens to him, it will get us a bad name"

"Harish!!! You can stop worrying about the security. Leave that to CBI and the Intelligence Bureau. We will take care of that. Just concentrate on your agenda with him."

"This assurance makes me feel better Theodre... Thank you very much"

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