Chapter 24 - The Justice

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Once the helicopter disappeared into the air, the two officers ran towards the flight and entered through the stairs. All the passengers were still seen with fear. One of the officers started to speak.

"The hijackers have left the place with Rudolf a while back. You are all safe right now and in safe hands"

Rajesh emerged out of the cockpit.

"Sir... The runway is not fit enough for a takeoff right now. If we do, it is not safe for the passengers and may end up in danger. The only way is to take all the passengers to the Dubai airport"

When Rajesh completed speaking, the wireless device from one of the officers beeped.


In the other end, it was one of the Dubai air control officer.

"Mushtaq, has the helicopter left the place?"

"Yes it did... We couldn't save Rudolf Keppler"

"Are the passengers safe?"

"All are safe"

"Listen carefully. I just received a shocking information from the Delhi International airport"

"Shocking news?"

"Yes... There are a few explosives in the form of candies, kept in the candies tray. This was supposedly to be served to the passengers. There were totally eight candies. One of them went off in one of the residential area in Delhi. Luckily there were no casualties. We will have to quarantine the rest of the candies immediately"

"Oh my goodness"

"Look for the airhostess Laya. She doesn't know that the candies have explosives in it and she can get you the tray"

The officer switched off the wireless device and raised his voice.

"Who is air hostess Laya?"

The helicopter was in the air with Rudolf and five of the hijackers. It was filled with smiles, laughs and joy.

"Finally, our plan is a success" - Rajot

"I couldn't believe that we have won" – Jayanth

Rajot – "Hey Jayanth... I felt sorry for your wife Viji... Her face reflected all the shocks of her lifetime"

"I didn't expect that Dubai airport will cooperate for our demands..."

"But I was skeptical about the Dora airport. At last, it ended well"

"Can you stop all your brags", a voice heard from the back of the helicopter.


Rudolf Keppler took out a cigar from his pocket and ignited it with the help of a lighter. That face of Rudolf Keppler was fresh and didn't have any of the tiredness, fear or distress that was seen few minutes back. He sat straight with a body language of a Don.

"A plan to hijack me. How weird it is "and the laughter came out loud.

Jayanth smiled at him.

"Mr. Rudolf, how can we forget you? You are the man. If any of the countries in the world, doesn't like a group, they stick a name to them as 'Terrorist Groups'. They will have supporters and will start destroying them by waging a war. We hate this attitude and that is the reason we reached out to you"

"Jayanth... For me, your intention seems silly. I actually wanted to make some money. Not just money. It is BIG MONEY. United States used me for its own welfare. The countries who support your group indirectly, are ready to pay me a big chunk, if I help them with science of atomic and nuclear weapons. With the high surveillance in US, it is tough to involve in this kind of activities openly. From now on, my focus will be on building variety of atomic and nuclear weapons, which the world hasn't seen so far. I don't need anyone's nod or approval. I will be deciding who will be using this. IT IS JUST ME... ONLY ME"

"Sir... We understood that you will not be able to help us, while physically living in United States. It requires a genius mind to manufacture such a plan. Do you know why it is brilliant? The citizens in US would be shedding tears and will be remembering you. You will be worshipped both in US and also in our group. This will be a unique privilege for you."

Keppler smiled hearing the praises.

"Ok... How long does it take to reach your hideout?"

"We should be reaching there in another half an hour"

Keppler peeped outside the window and he could see dense forests and mountains.

"This place looks beautiful"

"This is the border of our hideout"

All of a sudden, Keppler's reaction in his face changed. His nose was smelling something.

"Can you guys smell something here?"

Laya walked out from the rear end of the flight.

"Yes... That is me"

"Where is the tray that had candies? You brought the candies to the flight. Right?"

"I have kept that inside"

"Can you get me that...Be careful while bringing it"

Laya's face went to a panic state when she heard the word 'Careful'

"Why should I be careful about it?"

"I will tell you once you bring that here"

She was hesitant and stood there.

"Madam... Please go and bring the tray without delay"

She walked back, carried the candy tray and gave it to the officer.

"Did you distribute these candies to the passengers?"

"No... We didn't... Just when we are about to distribute, the plane was hijacked"

The officer turned to the passengers.

"Your attention here please... Did any of you pick the candies from this tray?"

"No" – That was the answer from the passengers unanimously and a few nodded in disagreement.

"If yes, please hand it over to me. The reason why I am particular about that is, few of the candies are not actually candies. They are powerful explosives made of plutonium. When you remove the wrapper, it will burst off"

The passengers were slapped with a heavy shock. Laya came forward to the officer.

"But sir...."


"This candy tray was full when I brought in. A while back, one of the hijacker, Roshan grabbed half of them and took it along with him in a bag"

"Oh my HOLY" and the officer kept both of his hands in his head.

The voice came from the backside of Rudolf, "The smell is from here Mr. Keppler". It was from Roshan.,

"What is that?"

"The aroma of the pepper mint and chocolate from one of the candies. When I was about to leave the flight, I saw a tray full of candies. I usually like candies and its smell tempted me to bring it here"

"Oh that's awesome. I am hungry too. Let us all celebrate our victory. Roshan, share the candies to everyone. Let us celebrate guys."



THE END----------------------------------

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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