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Anna opened her eyes. She was not in the Show Room anymore, but insome kind of futuristic hospital. She did not scream- but was mildly suprised. She saw people in white jackets injecting liquids to her and some flying droids scanning her. Looking far to the left, she saw her parents standing still, looking at her with most worrying faces while Tom was playing his toy car and Michelle was texting her friends.
A girl aproached her; flying. Wait- flying? People don't fly, Anna thought. But the girl is flying. How did this happen? Then, a question occurred to Anna. Where was she, what was she, what's happening?
The girl talked to her. "Hello Anna Stepfen Locket. I am Leva McForce, or also know as Gravity Girl. I'm sure you're very confused now and you have a gazelleon questions to ask me, but let's make this simple. Welcome to the DoHOCTC or also known as the Department of Heroes' Opperational Centre and Training Camp," said the girl called Leva. "This is a very secret comunity where we deal with people who have magical abilities or fighting skills. You got here because your blood was affected by a cross of electricity and destiny."
"I g-g-got affected by electricity?" Anna asked, astounded.
"Yes, exactly. Now I want to fill in your data or also known as an X Card. This card-like USB where you have to scan it in order to pass doorways and passages," Leva explained. "So your name is Anna Stepfen Locket or now you'll be known as The Locket Witch-"
Anna interupted,"The what???"
"Ehm... Let me continue," said Leva curtly. "You are currently schooling in University King and is 19 years old, lives in Whitbie, aren't you?"
"Uh-huh..."said Anna, still wondering why in the world was she called a "Locket Witch".
"Alright!" Leva said, pinning an already-processed X Card onto Anna's chest. "Please proceed to the main hall and go to counter desk 2, and after your registration please follow the signs to Learning Lab number 26, in hallway 10. Thankyou." And finnaly, Leva gave Anna a map of the whole DoHOCTC; it looked like an eye.
Before she left, asked Anna,"What do you mean by 'Locket Witch anyways' and how I got here by a cross of electricity and destiny?"
"You could ask those at the Learning Lab number 26," said Leva plainly. "And your second question; we have alot of life records of people. And we saw your future. So yeah, that explains."
"Thanks, for the info... Uh..."
"Call me Gravgi or Leva."said Leva cooly.
Anna jumped off her bed still panic-stricken but kept her calm. She rushed of to the main hall for her registration. But Anna had no idea what really awaits her; a dark future but a reachable destiny.

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