Chapter 10

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Sami's POV:

"Alright Matty, just one more time."

I have Memphis May Fire in the studio today for the last time before I leave for tour.

"Hey Ty what time is it?"

"Umm 3 PM. Why?"

"Shit. I'm going to be late. I have to go."


"Today is Parker and I's 3 month anniversary. I think he is taking me out to dinner."

"Have fun. I think Matty and Kellin are almost done."

"Alright bye Ty." I grab my jacket and walk out to my car. On the ride home I see I have a text message

I have a surprise for you later😉 -Alex

I roll my eyes and put my phone away.

Alex meant it when he said he wasn't going to stop fighting for me.

I mostly think he is doing it to piss off Parker. Those two really hate eachother and it sucks.

Alex is becoming like my bestfriend now so it sucks that he hates Parker

When I was dating Alex, Parker hated him. I can never have a bestfriend and a boyfriend to like eachother can I!?!

I pull up to my house and go inside. I walk up to my room and as soon as I changed into some pajama shorts so I can do my make-up I see hear someone coming up the stairs.

"Babe come here." I look up to see Parker smiling at me holding something behind his back.

"No you come here." I give him a flirty smile so I know I will win.

He rolls his eyes and gives in.

"This is for you."

He holds out a crewneck that says

Don't Paint Me Black When I Used To Be Golden

"Did you make this for me?"

"Sure did. Happy 3 months babe."

I felt his lips press on mine before I could protest him calling me babe again.

I kiss him back right away.

His hands started moving my shirt off but I pushed them back down.

"Parker we can't."

"Come on babe please?"

"1. Stop calling me babe, you know how much I hate that. 2. I told you I don't want to rush into this."

He groaned and laid down on the bed next to me.

"I know."

I sighed and laid down next to him holding his hand.

"I'm really sorry Parker. Please don't be mad."

"I'm not mad Sami. I promise."

He smiled at me and I kissed his lips. He kissed back right away and wrapped his arm around my waist. I know what was on his mind. So to piss him off I decided to tease him a little. I rolled on top of him so that his legs were inbetween mine.

He deepened the kiss when I did this moving one hand down to my butt and sliding it into my back pocket while the other was still around my waist. His hands went to the back of my shirt again. I stopped kissing him and leaned into his ear.

"Hmm you wish don't you?"

I kissed his neck and then jumped off him and went to the bathroom.

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