First Date

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I saunter into my nans apartment feeling happier than I have done in a long time, I have a date, a first date, I can't remember the last time I had a first date.

"Hey nan" I smile as I wander into the kitchen to start dinner

"You look happy, what's going on? Did you meet a boy?" jeez this woman is so intuitive

"As a matter of fact yes I did meet a boy and he has asked me out for a drink tonight"

"Oh, Amelia I am so happy for you, I know how miserable you've been since you had to come out here to take care of me"

"Nan, I was in no way miserable because of you I was miserable because I had a cheating scumbag ex-boyfriend harassing me, excellent qualifications but no prospect of a job and as much as I love mum and dad they most definitely have their hands full with the twins" I get extremely defensive at nans suggestion I don't want to be here with her

"Alright calm down I was just saying you haven't really been happy since you got her until today"

"I guess not, but please nan don't ever think I haven't loved getting to spend time with you, now what would you like for your dinner?" I ask effectively ending the conversation

"oh, just something light"

"chicken caesar salad ok?"


I meander back into the kitchen and throw together a quick salad we eat in companionable quiet and I clean up putting the pots in the dishwasher and wrapping and putting away the left-over salad ingredients before I let nan know I'm jumping in the shower.

I wash my hair with my new orange scented shampoo and conditioner before I make sure I'm shaved smooth in all the necessary places and wash with my matching orange body wash, what you can't have clashing scents! I get out wrap my hair and body in towels before heading into the bedroom, luckily nan gave me the ensuite as it only has a shower, and I sit down at the dressing table I let my hair fall down my back before I vigorously towel dry and leave it to finish off naturally knowing I will finish It off with my straighteners later. I turn my attention to my makeup I choose a relatively natural looking makeup, foundation, concealer, bronzer the usual finishing off with mascara some liquid eyeliner and a bronze eyeshadow I just swipe on some nude lipstick and clear gloss before settling on my outfit. I choose high-waisted dark denim shorts with an FTW singlet tucked in and a pale pink bralette underneath and I teamed the whole thing with my high-top converse.

By the time I had achieved all of this it was 7.50 and I grabbed my black shoulder bag, purse, phone and keys kissed my nan goodbye and made my way down towards the bucket list to meet Jake.


It was 7.55 and I was stood outside of the bucket list waiting for Amy I really hope she doesn't stand me up I didn't even get her number to make sure she was still coming, I check the time again 7.56 and I look up to see her walking across the street looking straight at me big smile on her face, she looked incredible even in essentially shorts and a t-shirt she still could have passed for a model

"Hi, wow you look amazing" I gave her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek as she met me

"Why thankyou kind sir you are looking rather dashing yourself" I wasn't sure if she was being seriously or if this was just pommie humour until I caught her laughing at my expression. I'd finished work and just had time to drive home grab a quick shower and change into jeans and a loose fitting light blue shirt.

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