Reunions good, bad and very ugly

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Darkness. That's all that surrounds me, I try to force my eyes open but its like they are being held closed by some unseen force, I can hear voices whispering all around me but I cant make out what they are saying or who any of them belong to. I push myself willing my eyes just to open a little to let whoever is there that I'm here and I'm okay but slowly everything just fades, I scream internally trying to claw my way back to the surface I feel as though I'm drowning in my own subconscious but the blackness pulls me under. I will try again, I will get back to Jesse.


Amy has been unconscious in the hospital for 5 days now and all the doctors keep saying is that medically there is nothing wrong with her, her remaining unconscious is her bodies way of protecting itself from the trauma she has suffered. I will never forget the moment I watched my beautiful girls body finally give in, as soon as we got the news that dickhead had been arrested everything went into slow motion as she crumpled to the floor, I only just managed to stop her head from smashing on the tower floor, I knelt next to her lifeless body screaming at the boys to call an ambo, all my training going completely out of my head as I clutch the limp form of my girl tight to my chest.

By the time we reach the hospital Amy hasn't so much as fluttered an eyelid the paramedics checked her pulse, her breathing, her oxygen levels and they were all completely normal the doctors are just as clueless as to what is going on and why she wont wake up, only one doctor hazarded a guess that her brain is protecting her body from all the recent stress and trauma by shutting down and that she will just wake up when she is ready.

I've spent the last 5 days by her side, I haven't slept, I haven't eaten, I'm living off of coffee brought to me by the boys and the nurses and adrenaline. day 6 and I'm sat by Amys bed holding on to her tiny hand gazing at her face willing and wishing for her to open those gorgeous green eyes and smile at me.

"come on baby, open those eyes, please Amelia, me and the boys all miss you tons, especially Maxi he's driving us all mad babe, you need to wake up and tell him that you're fine!"

and as if on queue in walks Maxi along with Harrison, Deano and Amys nan.

"Now tadpole this is getting ridiculous don't you think this whole faking being unconscious bit come on you can stop it now " Maxi jokes but I can see in his eyes how worried he is that Ames is still sleeping.

"Amelia, you listen to your grandmother you wake up this instant, ive managed to hold off your parents flying out here but one more day and they are on a plane dyu hear me?"

wait what? her parents are coming? shit of  course they are their daughter is in hospital after being held captive by her psycho ex boyfriend, I haven't seen her parents since I was 10 years old and scared the life out of there daughter with my temper


yes,im here I can hear you all! my eyes are just so heavy no matter how much I try to force them open they don't want to cooperate.  Oh crap I haven't told my parents about Jesse and I being together yet I don't even know if they would remember him

72 hours later.


So the boys forced me to take a shower because as Harries kindly put it I stunk as bad as the roosters locker room after a match. I have dashed into my apartment, showered, dressed, grabbed a coffee and a sandwich and am back on my way to the hospital all within 20 minutes, I cant risk Amy waking up without me there.

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