The Beginning

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I suppose I should start my story from the very beginning, it's rather simple you know, man meets woman, both of them fall in love, father impregnates mother, and then father changes and becomes different. However, my story isn't for the faint of heart, and it's not like I can sit down to tell you what happy memories I have had, there are so few. I should start with my name; my name is Gekido. I am the son of Scarlet Sekine, and Black Goku. I was born with a smile on my face and given incredible amounts of strength. My mother breast fed me as a child and well, I was a happy child without a care in the world. But things changed, inside I always felt there was something much more, something I can't explain. So let's speed up about five years so I don't bore you with those small details that I don't remember.


The young Gekido had awoken from his slumber, his big black eyes looked around and felt like his infant years had flown by rather quickly. He had slowly gotten out of bed with a yawn and a big stretch. Making his way out of his room, he found his mother making breakfast. The young boy was told that he had called a man named Gogeta "dada" first before he did Black. To him that was who his father was. Yet, he came from a broken home and all he had was his mother.

Gekido looked up tiredly at his mother with a smile "morning mama!"

"Good morning my love, did you sleep well?" Scarlet asked as she smiled happily seeing her son was bright eyed and bushy tailed. "You hungry?"

Gekido nodded to the question that he was asked about being hungry "I slept okay mama, whatcha making?"

"Hehe, well, I'm making pancakes with bacon, and orange juice. How does that sound?" She asked him as she flipped the bacon then the pancakes.

"It sounds good mama, I love you~" Gekido says cutely as he jumped up and down for a moment then hugged her leg.

Scarlet took a moment to pick her son up and set him at the table serving him his breakfast before doing so herself. For the time being it had only been the two. Something had been bothering her, but she didn't lead onto him. Gekido had not noticed due to being so innocent, he ate happily with a great big smile on his face. 

Once he was done he pushed his plate forward and Scarlet told him to go out and play, so the boy ran to his room and got dressed before running outside to go play in the dirt, he had gone out into the woods where his mom told him not to venture off too far, a man stood there from a distance to see the young kid at play. His face was stern; this was Black, he was unsure of why his own would be out this far. But his son was a spitting image of him.

A butterfly had caught the attention of this young boy which, he chased it, and ran after it determined that he would catch it, before running into something or someone. His eyes looked up at the strange man.

"Who are you?" 

The man put two fingers to his forehead and he had vanished, which made the young boy quickly turn around and run home, his heart beating fast that he could hear it as he opened the door.

"Mama! I s-saw a-a s-stranger" Gekido says with panic in his voice looking up at his mother whom had been sitting at the table after doing the dishes.

"Who did you see??" She asked as she looked at him "what he look like?"

"H-He was..I'm sorry mama, I went into the woods...chasing a butterfly..and, and..and this guy wearing black and grey looked down at me then he went poof!!" 

Scarlet was furious with him, but more so with Black showing his face repeatedly around her home. She wanted that bastard gone because he was no good for her son. "Son, go to your room, and sit on your bed." She said calmly.

A disappointed Gekido walked to his room with his head to the ground. He knew that he had messed up and as he entered his room, his angry eyes looked into a mirror and saw himself. That man looked like him. Why? Who was he? Questions started to form in his mind because he didn't understand what happened to Gogeta, he was there one minute and another he was gone.

An hour later, after Scarlet had calmed down she entered his room and sat beside him, she didn't speak, because she hadn't figured out what to say. Gekido curled into his mother, and held onto her arm. His mother sighed "you know who that man was, don't you?" 

"No..he..he looked like me...why do I look like that man?" Gekido asked looking at the mirror seeing his own reflection before him.

"That man was your birth father, he, he isn't allowed near you, or me for that manner." Scarlet said calmly looking at her son.

"Why is he my dad?" 

"It's a long story for another time, but he got me pregnant and then I had you. You are the light of my life Gekido." She answered, it was a painful reminder that he looked like him, and he was every bit as strong as Black, but even then she didn't know what would happen if he went snooping around for reasons. "Promise mama that you will always love her. Promise?" 

"I promise mama.." Gekido says looking up at her.

She kissed his forehead affectionately before leaving the room unsure of how to explain to a four year old what happened. Black had raped her a few months after he was born. To him she was a piece of ass basically. 

The young boy sat there for a little while longer as he tried to figure out what he should do, sighing as he didn't know what to do. Once a few minutes go by he got out of bed and begun to play with his dinosaurs.


You see, I wasn't always a bad child, but it changed when a man named Goku came into the picture, and told me a few years later what sex was, I was shocked, devastated, I don't think I was ready to hear what he had to say. But he and I butted head like no other, when mother had said that he should train me, my anger exploded. Which Gekido means Rage, I didn't know then, but I know now, that this was the first time I had felt that way. To put it short, I had gotten into a huge fight with mother, for reasons I forget, and I flew off as fast as I could with her following behind me. I yelled and fought with her, that's when I stopped feeling her energy as she fell from the sky. 

I thought she had perished, and I went into hiding, truth be told I didn't go very far, I was in the woods masking my energy level to the point of nonexistence. However, now that I look back on it, I think my mother may have known where I was. But the seeds of madness had entered my psyche. Yet they did not come out until later, which, I will explain once I get there. I trained every day, because I wanted to kill my father, I knew who he was and I wanted to fight.

I recall...


Gekido stood there seeing Goku struggle and Vegeta grew angry telling Goku that it was his turn at Black. But the young man spoke up.

"Vegeta you talk about Pride, no, you preach about it, but if I don't stop my father then where is my Pride? I must fight him alone for my Pride!" Gekido yelled.

Vegeta understood what Gekido meant, it wasn't long ago that they had met, but the Prince of Saiyans had a slight respect for the kid right at that moment. "Kakarot, let the boy fight him, this is his fight, and it's clear that the boy, this proud warrior understands that his Pride won't allow himself to be defeated. He will fight until his dying breath." 

Gekido powered up to Super Saiyan Rose just as his father was already in the same form, a snicker came from his father "ah, I see you have mastered this form as well; join me son, and help me rule the universes."

"I... I will never join bastard..." Gekido spat flying at his father and begun to launch a barrage of attacks. 

//Now, will Gekido win his fight? 
//Or will he simply lose and Black will kill his only son?

//Find out in the next chapter

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