The Fight and Information

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Right, where did I stop at?  Oh yes, I was about to tell you what happened during the fight, now if I wrack my brains here for a moment, I will be able to shake the cobwebs I can figure this out to the best of my ability.


Gekido stood there powering up, rage sweltering through his veins, he had one objective and that was destroy this bastard " YOU KILLED MY MOM!!" Finally he snapped and flew at Black with a flurry of punches and kicks, of which Black evaded most of them but a lucky few got.

"Gekido, you are strong, I will give you one last chance to join me, or die. Help me destroy the Ningen." Black wiped his lip with his arm then extended the hand opposite of the one he used to wipe his lip.

The young saiyan half breed's power continued to rise as he felt his rage take control "n-no you bastard!" 

"My, my, such temper and such language for such a child, your mother would be disappointed. Perhaps I should reunite you two." Black spat and flew at his son throwing a barrage of kicks. There was no denying that his son was strong. So strong in fact that he started to break past him. 

As the fight intensified, Gekido fought with his Pride, Rage, and Conviction, he meant that he was going to kill his father for doing what he had done to his mother. He was blinded by his own rage that he couldn't see that his mother was getting help but it was not working; Gekido knew he was running low on energy as he fought to stay alive.

Black came in with a cheap kick to his head and sent him through a few buildings, which made them collapse underneath the weight of themselves. In tattered clothes, bruises, scrapes, cuts, and a plethora of wounds. He knew this could be the end, and looked up to the sky, trying to summon what remaining power he had stored away. 

The evil saiyan came flying down, ki taking on the form of a blade surrounded his right hand, you could see it in his eyes but he was ready to kill his son. It didn't matter at this point, in the moment he was a threat that needed to be taken care of.

Black shoved his hand through the boys chest with an evil, twisted grin on his face "heh heh you're still pathetic like your mother. Any last words... Gekido?"

"Yeah, really are a son of a didn't even notice that my hand is in your..chest, I plan on taking you to Hell with me." Gekido says as he released the energy and grabbed onto Black's beating heart and ripped it out. 

"N-No.." those were the last words of Black as he fell to the ground his eyes were lifeless, and body started to grow cold. Yet Gekido looked up at the sky with hatred in his eyes, he hated for the right reasons this time as he died.


Yeah so I died, you wanna know what? I ended up in Other World, I was a good kid supposedly, although I had done bad. But I went to train with a Kaioshin for a little bit, but, I just couldn't take it, I was so far away from my mother that all I wanted was to be alone, you know? Every single day was a constant battle in Other World. For me it was eat, train, sleep, and repeat.

But I got wished back


The young boy didn't know what was happening until he saw the halo above his head disappear, and he found himself back on Earth in front of everyone, but that time changed him, he walked away and went back into the forest, disappointed in himself that he had lost, he hated the fact he wasn't strong enough. But what really got him the most was there was a rumor that Black was still alive. This drove the young boy to train himself harder than he had ever trained before. He wanted to destroy everyone that stood in his path. 

Little did he know he was already down the path to evil, he isolated himself until it was dinner time. Gekido would come in, eat, rinse his plate off and then back to training until he fell asleep. This exhibited behavior worried Scarlet but at the same time she didn't know how to deal with it so she carried on her life.

One day Goku and Scarlet sat him down, and not to his knowledge this conversation was going to happen. The man in the orange and blue Gi, looked at the boy and laughed nervously, because he didn't even know how to explain this to someone so young.

"Well, Goku, you are the man of the house right at the moment you tell him." Scarlet said then kissed his cheek before venturing off into another room.

"Heh heh, Gekido, I have to talk to you about something and it's kind of embarrassing to say." Goku said aloud as he thought. 

The young boy looked at him like 'then why are we talking?' sort of look; he crosses his arms and his expression turned to one of annoyance.

"Well, I guess, when boys grow up, at a certain age they go through some changes, yeah, that's it! Like you get taller, grow hair in certain places, and girls will, well, as your mom would probably say, they become more interesting." The saiyan said as he laughed nervously. "Like, um, let's just put into perspective, when a man loves a woman they have sex in order to make a baby, and well.. haha I don't mean to brag or anything but, your mom and I have been doing that a whole lot; there isn't anything wrong with it, it's completely natural."

The young saiyan boy looked at this fatherly figure with complete shock and dismay, like he had seen the worst kind of horror in the world, his eyes were wide open and his jaw dropped. It almost made him go into a panic attack because this information was just a little too much.

"H-Hey Gekido are you alright? Buddy talk to me, I didn't tell you this so you would be afraid. I told you so that you would be informed." Goku said as his grew sad.

Gekido got up and walked outside haunted and did not say a word.


Yeah I know, a little off track, so what? This is a significant part of the story, I mean are you paying attention reader? I'm telling this really messed up story, dude I was ELEVEN. Supposedly my mother knew way before that, but, I don't know. Not saying anything bad mind you but, I just wonder about things you know? Hang on before I move on I'm gonna need to drink some water to hydrate myself.... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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