Chapter 7: The Odd One Out

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-Three Years Ago; Vales Apartment 3G-

Two days had gone by since Destiny had witnessed, what she could only describe was something out of a dream. She just couldn't find an explanation for it, like she really couldn't. It was one of those things that didn't need an explanation on what or how it could be, but it just needed to be witnessed. A girl that had her face, even her hairstyle. True the difference was her age and even her personality was different from her own. She just couldn't believe her own eyes, she even sweared that she was still imagining things.

Though getting back to her room was a snap which was surprising to her of course. Cristal had told her that she was only seen when her own eyes stayed open, so even if she was seen they wouldn't see her; it sure saved her on the questions.

Neo was just getting ready to leave for one of her day jobs, as she fixed up her outfit and activated her semblance putting on one of her many disguises. She turned to Destiny who wore a baggy shirt dress, while holding her medicine bag, "I don't mean to leave you here alone in this tiny apartment, but I really have to get going."

"It's okay Neo." Destiny reassured her, "I don't mind it."

Neo smiled and patted her on the head, "Okay, I left you lunch in the fridge that you can heat up whenever you get hungry, and do not set foot out of this apartment. I should be back by the afternoon, afterwards we can see your dad okay?"

Destiny nodded her head, but soon her attention was drawn slightly to her right when she heard something. She saw Cristal literally just looking around and picking up to look at things while Neo was still in the room.

Cristal was about to take another step forward when Destiny motioned her to stop. Cristal looked over to Destiny when she noticed her making hand signs that were incoherent. Cristal started to make the same signs she was doing, but she held in her laughter. Destiny was about to make even more signs, until her attention was drawn back to Neo when she said, "... And make sure you keep the door locked. Hey are you listening?"

"Huh?" Destiny said, before she said, "Oh, yeah! I'm okay, and I know, keep the door locked and don't open it unless if it's someone I know."

"Good. I'll see you later, alright?" Neo said, giving her a hug goodbye, as did Destiny.

With that, Neo went out the door waving her goodbye, Destiny did the same thing. As soon as the door closed shut her look alike named Cristal had finally spoke, "It's so nice to be out of that cramped room of yours, after being in there for like what two whole days. That's basically a whole weekend."

"You can't just do that Cristal!" Destiny said to the teen.

"Do what exactly?"

"Come out and start looking around while Neo was still here! What if she saw you?"

Cristal merely laughed at this, "Oh come on, that's all you're concerned about? It's like I told you before, I can't be seen or heard, as long as your eyes stay open. Do I really have to explain it to you again, for like the fifth time?"

"They might find it strange that there is just a random object floating in mid-air!" Destiny tried to explain, "It's like something out of a horror film! Things like that don't just happen!"

Cristal let out a sigh as she said to the little one, "You're over reacting there Princess. You'll never know how someone is going to react to floating objects."

"Just please be more careful when they're people around, especially if it's my dad or Neo." Destiny said to her, "The last thing I need is to come up with one crazy and believable excuse."

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