Epilogue: Nothing Short of a Miracle

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    Destiny sat alone in a room where her and Oscar were going to staying and all she did was to pass the time was look out the window, and enjoy the view provided. She watched as the people passed by as they either chatted or laugh with one another or spend a romantic evening together. She sighed since she was both bored and feeling a bit lonely. She couldn't help but think back to the little apartment she stayed in with her dad, as this scenario seemed very familiar to her. All her life she spend most of time in isolation, hidden away from people, and yet despite her being in the body of a doll, she felt like she was on repeat. Oscar had told her, he had to take care of something and had told her to wait. Though he told her he would be back, she felt like she had been waiting for hours.

    She felt very much homesick at the thought of her dad, Neo, and her new friends that she made all those months ago. It's bad enough she didn't why or how this was happening to her, but... What scared her all the more was not knowing where they were and if they were even okay. She knew they would be able to take care of themselves though... It still killed her not knowing. She missed them, she missed them dearly, and she wished she could find them but she just didn't know how or even where to start looking; all she knew was Blake had taken a boat to somewhere, though she just didn't know where to.

    She buried her face in her wooden knees.

    "I could sure use Cristal right about now... She always knew what to do in situations like this..." She said to herself, "... Than again, I don't even know where she is either... Or if she made it out when Vale and Beacon were..."

    She stopped herself in mid-sentence not wanting to think about the scenario. Though she wish she knew if she was okay, as were the others.

    She turned back to the window again and placed her hand on it.

    "... They're all worried about me, I just know they are..." She said aloud, "... I wish I could talk to them and let them know I'm alright..." Destiny looked up to the sky above the buildings and clouds, and looked to the shattered moon that soared high. "There has to be some way I could know where they are... They're just has to be..."

    As Destiny pondered her thoughts she found a familiar blue light glow dimly from on her neck which startled her slightly. She saw the blue butterfly that was on her neck had acted up suddenly like it did before when she was some kind of ghost. She saw in the reflection of her window that her green eye had changed to white and for a moment, a blue light was soon around her body.

"It's happening again...?" 

As it did before the little butterfly on her neck flew off but this time a tracing was left on her wooden neck. The small blue butterfly flew towards the door, and through the keyhole. To her surprise, she saw the door just yawn open after a click was heard.

"Where is it going?"

Destiny stood up from the windowsill and went over to the curtain. She used it to slide down and get onto the floor. Despite the long distance due to her size she was able to make it to the door, and squeezed through finding the little blue butterfly resting on the knob just on the other side. It flew from the door and onto another door just down the dimly lit hall.

"... I wonder where I'm being taken to this time?"

With a deep breath she started to follow the little butterfly as it fluttered from one door knob to the next.


    The only ones in the rooms that evening was Ruby, Roman, Cristal and Senka. The three of them didn't necessarily feel like going out for the night, since they were all feeling a little tired. The rest of their group however felt the need to see what exactly Mistral was like at night and what the people did for fun in the city that lived in the rocky terrain. Roman had gotten out of the hospital only a couple of days ago and the others were just out celebrating since he had fully recovered, though the same couldn't be said for Melody. Despite her only having a mild concussion she still needed time to recover her aura, and wait till the doctor gave her the all clear, which could be for a few weeks. Though Ruby had promised Melody that until she had gotten out, they would see her every single day.

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