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Harvey's POV
We got to their house and may I say it is huge absolutely huge (pic below)

Harvey's POVWe got to their house and may I say it is huge absolutely huge (pic below)

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We walked in and their moms greeted us at the door. It was kind of confusing though because they live together but they're not sisters and their moms aren't married or into girls but are just really good friends. Anyway we went up to the play room it had a photo booth, arcade games, Deadpool posters, Antman posters, a huge TV. It was epic. "Hey, I noticed the Deadpool and Antman posters do your dads like them or whatever?" I questioned and I guess I must have said something because they both started crying.
"No *sniffle*," Danielle started "I like Deadpool and Eva likes Antman. You must think I'm insane," she chuckled a little "but our dads aren't really alive anymore." She started bawling I felt so bad max started hugging her.
Danielle's POV
I couldn't handle it anymore I just started bawling. Max came over and hugged me and for the first time in so long I felt safe and warm. Eva continued;

                  "It was 8 years ago  when we were 6 they were on their way to work just in our old town, about to build something for a shop (They were contractors) and in the news there was some really bad accident in some hotel just on the other side of town and firetrucks and ambulances were coming from like miles away. and they were just in their van driving over minding their own business and next thing you now they've flown oh the window and got crushed by their own van. A fire truck rammed into them at full speed, apparently the driver fell asleep at the wheel,"
Harvey must have felt so bad he hugged Eva tight "Our dads got rushed to the hospital but once they got there they died. The doctors said that they basically died right then and there when the van crushed them so they didn't feel any pain" Eva finished.
Max and Harvey looked so upset I couldn't bear to watch them be sad any longer so I said "So do you guys want to watch Happy Gilmore or Blended" I asked happily. It was a hard choice but we all agreed on Happy Gilmore we set up a huge fort and bing watched all of Adam Sandler a movies next thing we now it it's 9:00 pm! "Oh my god guys, it's 9 we've been watching movies since 1 that's 8 hours of movies!" I said in disregard "Lets do something else like play on all these games you have here!" Max said

Max's POV

It was magical just amazing the best thing that's happened to me yet

~ 1/2 hour earlier~

"So you guys know any pick up lines?" Danielle said sarcastically "Well actually I do" I smirked "K then shoot one at me," Danielle said

"Can I take a picture of you to prove that Angels really do exist."

"Oh my god that was so cheesy!" Danielle laughed. "Hey do you want to take some pictures so we can remember this night?" Danielle asked. We all thought that would be a great idea so Danielle and Eva went to go get their Polaroid Camera's. "Harvey, I really like Danielle." I said

"Yeah I like Eva a lot too." Harvey answered

"No I like, love her." I exclaimed

"Okay, Max try to calm your feelings I don't think she likes you as much as you like her, so try not to scare her with how much you love her." Harvey tried to calm down my feelings but I just couldn't get enough of that little angel. She is just picture perfect.
"Okay, sorry it took so long I had trouble finding mine, I always lose stuff." Danielle said
"It's fine. Now come on let's take a picture!" I said so we all gathered in the fort and took a selfie. Then me and Danielle took a picture together in the photo booth the first one we made silly faces the second one smiled the third one we hugged and the last one, we kissed. It was magical just amazing the best thing that's happened to me yet.

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