The Story

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Danielle's POV

I walked back out to the gym and to my surprise everyone started cheering. I walked back up on stage "Hi, sorry about what happened earlier. To lighten the mood here's a cheesy joke. What's Harry Potter's favorite way to get down a hill? Walking." I said they looked disappointed "J.K, Rolling!" I started chuckling. The crowd started cracking up, Tyler came up onto the stage and escorted me off. I kissed him. It felt like fireworks went off in my head every time I kissed Tyler, I never felt that way with Max though. I know everyone says that but it's really true, like a pride parade going on in your head. Tyler walked me back to my house. "I guess this is your stop." Tyler said "Oh! Please come in! Stay for a bit." I asked "Sure." He responded. We went in and sat on the couch in the basement. We ended up watching The Fault in Our Stars I got a bunch of blankets and we snuggled up together. The movie has just started when I heard Eva walking down the stairs with some other people "Hiiiiiiiii! I brought Max and Harvey. I hope you don't mind." Eva said. Then her face went worried, I guess she saw Tyler sitting there cuddling with me. "Uh yeah sure, we are just watching The Fault in Our Stars. I'll go get some more blankets," I said

Tyler's POV

Eva, Max and Harvey walked down the stairs to watch the movie with us. I don't think Eva likes me that much though because she looked pretty upset when she saw me with Danielle. When they sat down Max tried to avoid me as much as he could. Once Danielle came back she gave Eva, Max and Harvey their own blankets, and shared one with me. We cuddled up next to each other and I gave her a little kiss on the cheek. The movie was so sad Danielle and Eva cried so many times. It pains me to see Danielle cry, she has these sad little puppy dog eyes that just makes your heart sink. Harvey and I stayed the night while Max left half-way through the movie. I woke up with my arm around Danielle's waist, she was sound asleep. It was around 6:00 am so I went down to go make some breakfast for everyone. I made some waffles with strawberries and set up places for everyone at the table. Danielle, Eva and Harvey came down "I made you guys breakfast, I hope you like waffles and strawberries!" I said. We all sat down and ate then Harvey and I left.


Tyler and Harvey had just left so me and Danielle went to go get ready for the day. "Hey D! Come here!" I yelled from across the hall "Okay what do you want me for?" Danielle said. I wanted to know why she went to prom with Tyler instead of Max but I didn't know how to be subtle with it. "So uuhhh, you and Tyler," I said "Yeah okay heres the story. It was about 1 week before prom and Max and I had gone to our special place. He seemed really worried about something, we sat down and he started to say something 'Angel I, I don't know how to tell you this.' I was so angry I yelled at him and said 'Don't call me angel!' I was so furious 'I am so sorry! I have only been dating her for one week,' Max spurted out. I started bawling he came to give me a hug but I pushed him off. 'You know what Max we are over! I just can not!' I yelled while standing up. I then stormed away it was awful. i didn't want to tell you because I thought it would ruin your relationship with Harvey and you guys are doing so well!" Danielle said. I can't believe all of this happened! "Oh my gosh D, so if you don't mind me asking when did you meet Tyler?" I asked "Okay so about 5 days before prom I went to the park for a bit to just refresh my mind, and Tyler walked up to me and said 'Hey there! If Internet Explorer is brave enough to ask you to be your default browser, I'm brave enough to ask you out!' I was very surprised when he said and then I saw his beautiful blue eyes, I kind of just sat there like he was insane 'Is that good enough for you? I have a lot more. Do you have a name or can I call you mine?' Tyler said It was adorable I really wanted to say yes but I didn't even know his name yet. 'Do you mind if I can have your name first!' I chuckled, I felt burning red 'Yeah sure I'm Tyler, so can I call you mine now?' I honestly couldn't believe all of this was happening then he leaned in and-" Danielle got cut off in the middle of her sentence by the door-bell. We ran down stairs and opened the door, I looked at Danielle then she looked back at me "Hi I'm here to talk to Danielle" Max said

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