
18 3 7

I'll give this a try! Super sorry if it's long for a prologue, but it's sort of necessary!


The sound of a body getting run over is the worst sound possible.

At least that's what I remembered.

It was a cold day that evening. The first day of the winter solace. I was fourteen years-old then. And that was the day I truly met Lincoln Jacob McCarther .


I pushed the ear muffs higher, keen on warming my rose tipped ears. The blistering wind kept pushing vigorously and the time was five past six. I had just returned from my drama club meeting and believe me when I say- I was absolutely fustrated. What with the chaos that was going on. The Grand Annual Play our middle school hosted every year was just a few days away and everything was falling apart. And on top of that; I'd missed the early metro bus home.

Now I had to wait twenty minutes before I could escape the burning cold. Goodness! This wasn't your normal chill-your-fingers cold! This was more like a chill-your-fingers-until-they-break-off cold. I smiled at the thought.

I shivered in turn, rubbing my red gloved hands together. The hot breath omitted from my chapped lips were foggy in the cold air. It was probably 20°F at this point.

I glanced up and shook my head at my predicament. The sun was slowly setting. Ugh! Why did I even bother to come to that meeting? It was hopeless anyways! The GAP this year that was being lead by the older eighth graders of class 802 was going to tarnish our schools reputation forever. I groaned inwardly, shuffling on my feet a little as I opted for leaning against the bus sign, blowing warmth into my frozen hands. God! Even gloves weren't helping.

I shivered again and glanced around at the silent street. It was a few blocks away from my school. My mother couldn't pick me up- she was working the night shift -so I had to take the L4 home. Thankfully, the L4 tended to stop right besides my street.

I sighed and my pale gaze wandered towards a lonely tree from across the street, a blossom tree if I was correct.

The tree looked as if it was slouched, burdened by the worlds problems. Or maybe just pollution. I sighed, blaming my inner dorkiness for over analyzing. I was so hopeless at times. You really are, aren't you kiddo. My father used to always tell me. Making fun of my gullible self. Unlike other children at age five, I never learned when someone tricked me, I was suppose to stay sharp. Some days, my father would tease me and call me the hopeless Lenny tool. I focus back on the cherry tree.

It was like it was calling me. It's leaning bark growling lowly into the silent street. Entranced, I watched as its branches swished against the blistering wind, its   children being stolen; making them flutter and dance along the wind. I sighed a little, almost contently at the awestruck beauty of the tree.

I glanced down, and gave another shiver, shifting my feet again. I looked to the left, hoping to see the bright orange head of the metro bus. I puffed my cheeks and shook my head out, rolling my shoulders. Doing anything to get the warmth back into my arms and cheeks.

It wasn't until a loud shrieking sent my head shooting towards the direction of the sound, making my neck crack at the sharp startle. My eyes widened as I took in the very scene before my eyes.

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