2. L4 Like for Real man?

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Hello there again! So just a reminder; updates will be frequent as more readers pick this book up or in the case of the wattpad digital world; click le orange button:)

-> Meep love the song on the side!💕



To be completely honest, I was in hiding. From what you say? Well, from that Calvin weirdo. For some odd reason, he thought it normal to just sidle up to me and act as if we were the best of friends.

But we couldn't! Not after all I've been through because-
because of his dumb brother.

About four years ago, I had done something an eighth grade girl should've never been through or even subjected to. At least I try to forget it. But that's a story for another time.

"Lenisa! Oh Leeniiisaa!" He- the Devil himself- drawled out my name, his footsteps getting closer as I held a breath in, squeezing myself further into the locker. Currently I was stuffed into my locker. Trust me. With my four' eleven height, it was as easy as pie.

Darn it; now that's got me thinking about Aunt Millie's Pineapple Pie.

"Come on out! Lenisa, I'm tired of this game!" Calvin pouted or at least his soft voice seemed to.

I scoffed. A game. Is this boy like for real? Sighing, I decided I've had enough and pushed myself out of the locker, only to realize that he had been behind it. I ended up sacking him hard on the head when he had his back turned to me.

"Ow!" He shrieked, rubbing at the back of his head forcefully. Calvin had a scowl on his face as he turned to me with a glare.

I simply shrugged and gave him a lame,"Whoops." I honestly didn't care. All I wanted the boy to do was leave me alone.

"Y-you hit me!" Calvin cried out, as if I was going to apologize.

I rolled my eyes at him and pushed him lightly,"Man up, dude." Grabbing a box from my locker, I slammed it shut and made my way to the cafeteria, ignoring the scrambling boy behind me rushing to keep up with my fast pacing. Which he easily accomplished thanks to my short pathetic legs.

I let out a growl in his direction, calling over my shoulder as I turned left around the corner,"Get a life, McCarther. And stop bothering me."

Cold, yeah. Tactful, not really.

Only because I ended up crashing into someone. A very tall, hard chest-like someone. Turning my glower up at whichever idiot had run into me, I gaped, still as an alligator as I gazed up at the one and only,

Lincoln McCarther.

I could already hear the pounding blood as it rushed to my head, the queasy familiar feeling of fear shredding at my chest. I was deathly pale by now. Just gazing back into those tortured whiskey eyes that were drawn into a harsh sneer. I swallowed roughly, completely shell-shocked.

"Well, are you going to move or what?" Lincoln hissed out lowly, placing both hands on my shoulder and leaning in close to say it into my face. "What? Saw a ghost?" He snarled, his teeth showing a little as he sneered at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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