12| The House Cup

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I woke up, I was in the hospital wing. I sat up and instantly my gaze was pulled straight to the end of the bed I was in. There was a table full of candy, flowers and get-well cards. I looked around, Harry was in the bed next to me. He was just waking up now and putting his glasses on.

"Charlene," he greeted.

"Harry!" I said.

He got out of bed, came over to me, gave me a hug and sat down on the end of my bed.

"I'm so glad you're alright," he said.

"You too," I said back.

Professor Dumbledore walked in.

"Good afternoon, children. I see you both have gifts!" Dumbledore observed. "We all know about what happened with you two and Professor Quirrell. Ah, I see your friend Ronald has gotten into your chocolate frogs."

"Are Ron and Hermione okay?" I asked.

"They're both fine," comforted Dumbledore.

"And the stone?" Asked Harry.

"The stone was destroyed. My friend Nicholas and I had a talk, and we decided that it was the best thing to do," explained Dumbledore.

"How did Harry get the stone, Sir?" I asked.

"Only a person who wanted to find the stone but not use it would be able to get it. At least that's my theory," said Dumbledore with a wink. "That night when your parents were killed Harry, Voldemort's powers were destroyed. This happened when Lily Potter sacrificed herself for Harry, giving Harry the ultimate protection. Voldemort's powers were no match for Lily's love towards Harry. The curse rebounded back on him, and a sacrifice like your Mother's leaves a mark."

Harry gestured to his scare.

"No Harry, this mark cannot be seen. It is stronger than any magic, and is the most powerful thing known to Wizardkind," said Dumbledore. "It can change you, it can make you do things that you never thought you could or would do."

"What is it?" Asked Harry.

"Love," said Dumbledore kindly.

After our little talk with Dumbledore, he left the room and Madame Pomfrey came in.

"How are you two feeling?" Asked Madame Pomfrey.

"I'm fine," I told her.

"Same," said Harry.

"Now, the both of you should clean up. The end of year feast starts in an hour! The showers are over there, and your uniform has been set out for you. Put your pyjamas in the linen basket," said Madame Pomfrey.

Harry and I went over to the showers. We were both still dirty from the whole trapdoor fiasco. My bleeding wrist had been bandaged up, and my cut ankle had been stitched up. I still had dirty hair. I got into the shower and enjoyed the hot water. When I got out I dried my hair, put on my uniform, put my borrowed pyjamas in the linen basket and walked out to the hospital wing where Harry was sitting on his bed waiting and we carried our stuff up to the common room.

"Charlene, I just want you to know that I'm really glad you were there with me. It felt right," Harry said, smiling.

"Thanks, Harry," I said with a smile.

We got up to the common room and put our stuff in our dormitories. I looked at my trunk. I was going to have to pack it after the feast. I really don't want to leave Hogwarts, it really felt like home.

I went out and met Harry in the common room. 

"Let's go," Harry said. 

We made our way down to the Great Hall.

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