Strangers to Friends

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"Muse..?" Mike asked waving a hand in my face. I just jumped. "Sorry, I zoned out.." I trailed off trying to brush off the feeling of wanting to cry. "You look tired. Do you have a place to stay?" Vic asked me while eating his marshmallow. "Not anymore." I said staring blankly into the fire. Mike just stared at Vic who stared at me. Vic glanced up at Mike. They seemed to be having this brother telepathy thing going on right now. "You can stay with us tonight. You can have my room, I'll sleep on the couch." Vic said breaking the silence. "Oh I couldn't take your bed from you. I can sleep on the couch. Thank you." I said giving Vic a weak smile. "I'll be fine on the couch. You are sleeping on the bed." Vic said. "If you insist. Thank you again." I said my gaze finally meeting his. His brown eyes showed my reflection but I could still see his emotions. He was so confused, what he was confused about I have no idea but I can tell that it's hurting him whatever it is. Mike doesn't notice it but I do. "Let's get you inside before it gets any colder." Mike said putting out the fire. I just nodded my head but I had no energy to get up. I tried but I fell back down. Vic helped me up but my legs were to worn out to walk so he just picked me up bridal style and began to carry me to the cabin. Normally I would freak out but there was something about these two that made me feel safe and I haven't felt this way for a long time. I like this feeling and I know it's selfish of me but I didn't want to let go. I put my arms around his neck and I saw him start to smile. I slowly laid my head against his chest and found myself becoming relaxed to the sound of his heart softly beating in his chest. I slowly shut my eyes enjoying the warmth I was stealing from Vic until I heard voices. My eyes shot open and I started to feel uneasy. I wasn't used to people. I can handle being around two or three people but if it gets beyond that I start to get anxiety. I buried my head in the crook of his neck and did my best to look like I was sleeping so I didn't have to talk anymore. I heard Mike's and Vic's voice and someone else who's voice I didn't recognize. I felt Vic set me down on something soft so I opened my eyes and realized that I was in his room and it was just him and I. He walked over to his closet and pulled out a long shirt and some boxers that looked like they'd fit me. "You can sleep in these. They'd be a bit more comfy then the clothes you are wearing now. The bathroom in directly right across the hall." Vic said giving me a smile while getting back up to get some pjs for himself. "Thank you so much." I said with a tear escaping and my voice cracking. "Are you okay??" Vic asked rushing over to me wiping my tears away. "No one has ever been no nice to me. Ever since my Aunt..." I trailed off I began to cry harder. I officially broke. I didn't have my blade either, I just wanted to forget everything. "Come here." Vic said opening his arms. I sat in his lap while he held me and ran his fingers through my hair. It's like he knew not to ask about my Aunt and I liked that. He started humming a tune that I've never heard but I liked the sound of it. I slowly stopped crying but I didn't want to leave Vic's arms. "That tune. What is it?" I asked finally calm and breaking the silence. "Let Love Bleed Red. My friend Kellin wrote it." Vic said looking down at my most likely bright red eyes. "I like it.." I trailed off looking in the opposite direction not wanting him to look at my face anymore. "Want me to walk you to the bathroom?" Vic asked raising an eyebrow. "That might be nice. Hopefully I will be able to walk this time." Vic chuckled at my comment. I lightly blushed but held my head down so he couldn't see it. Vic pulled me up and I stumbled but he held my shoulders so I could fully regain my balance. He walked me across the hall and opened the door for me. "Thank you." I said wiping my face. "No need to thank me." Vic said flashing me a smile and shutting the bathroom door quietly. I took off my shirt and and bottoms and looked in the mirror. I looked like I got hit by a train. I had so many cuts and bruises. I dint think they saw my bruises, well I hope not. I slid on Vic's shirt that went down to the middle of my thighs. I decided to go ahead and do my business sense I was already in here and then I grabbed the boxers. I lifted up a leg only to slip on a shirt that was on the floor and managed to get stuck in their tub. I heard footsteps rushing towards the door. "Are you okay?!" I heard a voice I didn't recognize. "Can you please get Vic.." I asked quietly hoping they heard. Not even five minutes later Vic burst through the door. "What the hell. Are you okay?!" Vic asked rushing over to the bathtub that I fell in. "I'm kinda stuck." I said blushing. I landed on the shower curtain so that fell down with me and soap was all over the floor. Mike walked by and started to laugh once he saw the bathroom and me stuck in the tub. Vic just seemed more concerned. I blushed extremely bad and hung my head low being extremely embarrassed. I didn't even realize that my leg was bleeding because I fell on a razor. My back hurt so bad I didn't notice until Vic pointed it out. He helped me up and then carried me to the kitchen and say me on the counter by the sink and put my leg in the sink. "What made you fall??" Vic asked while getting out the first aid kit. "I slipped on a shirt when I was trying to put on the boxers." I said blushing at my clumsiness. "I'm sorry, I told Mike not to leave his damn clothes on the floor." Vic said washing the blood off my leg. "It's fine. I'm a clutz as it is." I said looking at my leg. Thankfully it didn't get cut to bad. "All done!" Vic said as he threw the band aid package away. "Thank you, again." I said. "You say thank you to much you know." Vic said helping me off the counter. "I'm sorry it's just that you have done so much for me and I don't know how to repay you." I said adverting my gaze from him. "No need to repay me." Vic said walking back to the bedroom with me but I stopped at the bathroom. "I'll clean up the bathroom." I said walking into the bathroom only to find a tall tattooed man with long hair hanging up the shower curtain. I screamed and jumped back running into Vic and startling the man in the bathroom.

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