Johnvris AU 2- Nidus and Numbers.

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AU: "Your dog is fine, but here's my number anyway."- Veterinarian AU (+ Humanstuck).


Vriska sits by the door, biting her already short nails down even further. She had recently bought a dog to befriend her best friend/ team mate/ rival/ ex girlfriend/ whatever else they are's guide dog. The original motive was that it was the least she could do after blinding her was get her dog a friend, but eventually the big doe-like amber eyes and cuddly ways of her new labrador won her over. That very same labrador that was now being checked up on after he began losing interest in his favourite activities and sleeping more than usual. At least Nidus- named after the nest where spiders deposit their eggs- was in safe hands now. Or so she hoped. Vriska barely had a chance to say goodbye before Nidus was being whisked off to meet some new vet that had been employed. At least it wasn't Tavros- she didn't want to be reminded of their messy history.

With a groan, Vriska heaves herself up to go ask the receptionist how much longer it would be until she could reunite with Nidus, when the door to the new vet's office swings open. A male appears in her view, around her age. A few things immediately stand out. Black hair. Deep blue eyes. Nerdy glasses. An even nerdier, but somehow endearing bucktoothed grin.

"If you want to come in, Nidus is right here. Along with the conclusion to the required examinations... You are Vriska, right?" Vriska lets out a relieved sigh and enters the room, eyes immediately falling on a noticeably more happy Nidus.

"The one and only." The vet grins and takes his seat behind his desk.

"Well, Vriska, I can safely say that Nidus- cool name, you like spiders?- is good condition! But he will need to take some pills for the next few weeks, which he won't like. Poor dog, pills suck." Vriska near melts in relief at the good news, feeling like weights had slipped off her shoulders when Nidus trots over and nuzzles against her hand.

"Of course I like them, spiders are amazing! I can put up with that."

"Spiders are gross, but one last thing," She looks up at him from petting behid Nidus' ears, seeing his now mischevious gaze directed at her. "Your dog may be a bit sick, but I'd like you to have my phone number for other reasons." Vriska pretends to think about it, a smirk slowly appearing on her face.

"Only if you tell me that spiders are the most amazing thing to have wandered this earth."

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