Johnvris AU 3- Mint Gum and Icing.

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"Aaaaaaaand that, class, is why some types of bugs are attracted to lights." A few members of the class nod sleepily, but most of them just stare at the whiteboard blankly or continue doodling in their books. Vriska internally wondered why she was still here. The students never listened. She opens her mouth to reprimand them, when clapping sounds from the doorway. Just in time! Immediately the class all sit up straighter, identical smirks appearing on all their faces. Vriska groans, Joshua- a cocky boy in her class- had already stood up, eyes glittering.

"Have you come to finally ask out Miss, Mr Egbert?"

"Joshua, we've talked about you calling out in class." Joshua smirks at her and sits down. Vriska turns around to face the grinning John standing in the doorway, his class fanned out behind them. John, another science teacher whose combination of adorable nerdiness and passion for science had captivated Vriska and slowly, but surely, made her fall for him.

"No, but I have come for the shared group assignment." The classes both sadly sigh as John's class file in and find their groups.

"But it's soooooooooooooooo obvious you two would go well together."

"What do you both think about children."

"Can't you at least go out on ONE date?" Both classes take turns at shouting their opinions and Vriska pinches the bridge of her nose.

"Can we come to the wedding?"

"Miss has a great body."

"JOSHUA." Vriska scowls at him, but her attempts to look angry can't be maintained as John starts to laugh.

"That she does, but I care about what's on the inside. Even if that person's as gorgeous as Ms Serket here." Vriska rolls her eyes and turns to pick up her work as John winks at Joshua.

"Don't encourage them."

"I'm only getting them ready," The few members of the classes who were whispering go silent. Vriska chuckles and shuffles through her papers, sure he was joking. "I just thought it was finally time to say something." She can almost hear the eyes of the two classes widening. A rustling sound echoes through the class as they all lean forward. Vriska straightens up, papers forgotten, and turns to stare down at John, who grins dorkily at her. "You see, Vris, as the two classes have both noticed, we'd go well together. So, to reference what you said before, you're like a bright light and I'm like a bug," A light blush begins to appear on her cheeks, making the class begin to grin and whisper among themselves, and Vriska begins to smile. "because I'm so attracted to you." She laughs and shakes her in disbelief, the students going completely silent. John shifts slightly, but stares up at her with those shining deep blue eyes she loves so much.

"Of course I'll go out with you, John." And with those eight words the class begin to scream and jump out of their seats.




"KISS KISS KISS KISS." The chant begins picking up and the students all stare at them expectantly. Vriska looks at John.

"Not if you don't want to, which I totally understand...." He begins to ramble and she stares at him for a second, saving the past few minutes to memory, before leaning down and kissing him.

Looking back at it, Vriska couldn't really remember how the screaming got at least three times louder and that some students were crying. She could slightly recall people throwing books in the air and pictures being taken. But what she could remember was the faint taste of mint gum and icing on John's lips, almost as sweet as who the taste belonged to, and the beautiful, sparkling eyes that stared into hers afterwards. Vriska thought there was money being exchanged, but she knew that all she really cared about right now was kissing that buck toothed male in front of her again. Oh, and that Joshua was getting a detention.


When thinking of a title for this chapter, I realised that in his pick up line John compared Vriska to a "bright light". We all know what Vriska's God Tier Aspect is.

I feel clever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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