The sad tale of a man with a rabbits head

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On the train there was a man with the head of a rabbit that swooshed past Elgit. His disgusting smell offended the nose. Unfortunate victims collapsed due to the pungent odour. It was the scent of dead fish with salted snails. There was an attempt to mask the putrid stench with lavender body mist. The attempt failed. To make matters worse, the rabbit man left patches of fur here and there.

               Elgit sat next to a man with a viola. Both of them stared at the rabbit man. Then the rabbit man tripped over the suitcase of a busy business man that chattered aggressively on his hunk of technology. Har, har, har laughed a toothless man. The rabbit, being quite offended, rose up and pointed at the laughing man.

               “I know your kind,” he claimed. “You laugh at the obese man with a rabbit head. Well I hope all of you are ashamed of yourselves.”

               But the toothless man kept laughing. Har har har, he went on. The obese rabbit fell to his knees with a look of sadness. Actually, the toothless man had a habit of bursting into laughter for no reason.

               Meanwhile, everyone’s eyes watered. Elgit had already released plump tears that ran down his jacket. The short man with the viola cried too. But, the midget cried because today was the day his girlfriend left him. The dwarf actually liked the rabbit man. With his viola he would write a song inspired by the hardships of an obese man.

               The train gave a jaunty stop. Everyone was finally relieved to breathe the fresh air. Elgit placed earbuds in and allowed the music to burst through the headphones. He turned back to get a final glimpse of the rabbit man, but he had disappeared.

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