Chapter Four

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31st December 2005

My dearest Yuri,

Firstly, I'm so sorry I didn't write in the first place, but my mom wanted to talk to me and Yakov started teasing me because of the upcoming Grand Prix but here I am! Once again, gomennasai (that's how you write it in latin symbols right? I'm starting getting into this Japanese stuff) and I hope you hadn't been stressed about that. Because if you thought that I forgot about You, the answer is no, I didn't

You have a poodle? That's so nice! I love them, they are precious little beings and so good to cuddle and always helpful yadda yadda I could just go on and on about them! We really need to meet one day even to discuss the pets!

Okay but for now I wanted to tell you something else. This is really important, Yuri, so listen, or read, carefully. This year is gonna be a good one for you, I guarantee. You have no need to worry about it so much. After all, you don't need to be the best at the beginning. No one is. I myself didn't qualify for the Juniors till I was 15 so you just take your time. You know, I really let Yakov down firstly when he found out my birthday is in Dec (unfortunate, I agree) and then year after that where I didn't have the podium in Russia's Championships. Btw, you didn't tell me, what day is your birthday? You seem to know a lot about me but I don't have a clue who you are. I mean, the internet is my big help but I don't wanna look it up if you can just tell me ;)

I really missed the topic there didn't I? But coming back to it

 I bet you're gonna have a good year


Viktor Nikiforov

PS.: I'm gonna have some vacation in April, if you just wanted to know.


Yuri, in fact, was really stressed when he didn't receive the answer immediately. Or in the spare of a day. Waiting was no good for him, even though if he had been given the answer, there would not have been any time to write back. He had his timetable full of school and tests, after all, his life wasn't all skating. His class also paid a visit to Fukuoka so he had been gone whole day. Though in Japan Christmas aren't a big thing at all, the New Year is always kinda expected. It's the new beginning, a blank page in a notebook.

So when Yuri looked into his email on the last day of the year he surely didn't expect the answer. 'Don't they celebrate today? Doesn't he sleep? It's like 3 am there' he thought to himself. He would never admit it, but inside he was smiling. Because someone took time at 3 am to write, even the shortest email.

The Japanese skater was slowly getting used to Viktor's cheerful words and his scatty style. The question followed another and was suddenly interrupted by great thoughts but he didn't mind it. In a way it was sweet, because his penpal ('can I call him like that') was caring and was willing to hear more and more.

'He is taking a break in April... Does that mean? No, there's no possibility. He can go anywhere and stay anywhere. The best places in Tokyo, New York, London, it's all near for Viktor' those thoughts were both sad and reveiling. If Viktor somehow came to Saga, this relationship, friendship, would become difficult. With all of the Russian posters hanging around he would start suspecting something. And Yuri couldn't let that happen.

On the other hand, deep inside his heart, Yuri knew he wanted that. He badly wanted Viktor to be there for him, to stay with him as he was making first steps in international competitions and longer.


There is a square in Saint Petersburg where everyone gathers on the New Years Eve. The Palace Square is full of noises, a little overcrowded but comfy and warm in its way. Connected to the main street of the city and located between the magnificent Winter Palace and General Stuff's it sure is the strict centre, the place where you need to be at the end of the year.

Before the clock strikes twelve, the crowd watches bright light illuminations on the white walls of the Palace. It's full of colours changing every second, making everyone surprised each year. But the party only starts when the New Year comes and the fireworks are seen in the sky. People gasp, stand in silence as the black sky become light. Then they go down the streets to the bars and restaurants, some of them alone, some with families, friends but every single one of them has the same thought in their mind...

There is something special in new years. It definitely brings attention, stands out. 

Even if most of people's resolutions won't come truth, there is a big moment of belief in every one of us when the number at the end changes. Though we're not getting any younger, we always have the chance to get better and that's what January 1st gives us. The hope for a change, a chance, a dream come true.

Viktor knew this from the first minute of the year 2006. He hadn't lived until now. And he wanted to make the most out of 525,600 minutes starting now. There was no time to lose. His resolution you ask? Skating? Making his family proud? Satisfying Yakov? That would be too simple for a man that was surely going places.

The goal was to make Yuri love him

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