Three| Text message

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Hey, this is how I think Bella looks like. What do you think about it? let me know. 

I can't express in words how much angry I am yet, by this moments the only thing that crosses my mind is the fact about how the seventeen friendship's years with Michael right now they are dropping down. He acted out as a complete asshole.

Today is saturday morning and I ran more than the other days, around four kilometers and did half hour of squads and crossfit. In that way I could put away all the stress. I come back to my home and take a shower then I check the phone and find five missing calls from Michael and three voice emails.

*I'm so sorry Bella, please call me back*

*Just grow up, I was trying to protect you*

*Answer the phone, I know you're there*

I ignore all of them and put my phone on mute mode.

"I can't believe it Bella" Ariana says when I tell her about the friday "I'm gonna hit him" she says while she's making her nails

"I hate him" I groan

"We need a night's girls" Ariana smiles

"I need some rest and think about what I'll do" I say while I wipe my eyebrows

"Party pooper"

"Yes I know I'm in mode I hate everyone"

"I better go to home Bells, love you" Ariana gives me a kiss on the cheek and goes down stairs.

I lie down on the bed the remainer day and watch some series.

*   *   *   *   *

It's Sunday's morning, I get up and eat some eggs with orange and drink green tea. I must to follow my diet. After I call the cleaning lady while I go to the gym. Today I changed my routine and made more jumps instead cardio. When I come back to my penthouse I take a shower and see a remainder on my phone, today is the meeting in my parent's house so I decide to arrive earlier. I dress with blue jeans, a white sweater and brown boots from Michael Korks, even my boots had his name, so lucky Bella. I drive in the mercedes until my 'baby's house' and see many people running from one side to another, my mom is in the porche and she's giving the instructions to people. 

I park the car and go toward porche. Actually this is a big and white house, around 350 m2 with two huge gardens with many flowers that my mom loves, besides inside there are many luxuries and it's  a little exaggerated for me but my mom always wants to be the one who people talk about. My mom is standing on the porche and I say hello. 

"My little Bella" she says and gives me a bear's hug. 

" Hi mom" I say  smile

"I'm so busy now organizing the things for the dinner, go inside, your dad is at the studio"

"Do you need some help?" I ask

"No dear" 

I go inside and many people is walking to one side to the other too. I see a new and big chandelier hanging in the house's entry with at least two hundred lights, at the left there are spiral stairs that have some lights rolled up on the stair railings and going through the middle we find to the right the dinning room next to the living room and the open concept kitchen. I walk to the studio and see my dad sitting in the desk, he's reading a book ' crime and Punishment by Dostoyevski' while he smokes a pipe, he likes to be too classic.

"May I ?" I say knocking the door

"Bella" he says happy " come in sweetheart" he stands up and gives me a strong hug.

"Are you ready for the meeting?" I say sarcastic and he smiles. Actually he doesn't like meetings as my mom likes.

"It's two p.m yet so let me be in peace" he laughs

"Ok dad"

I go to my bedroom and put on a large red dress with a neckline in the back. I put my red lipstick on and go down stairs. Around thirty people have arrived and many waitress are serving drinks. When I go to the first floor many people turn to see me and most of them say hello. I'm walking between the crowd when suddenly I see Michael's parents and try to hide but I crash with somebody and for my surprise it's Michael. He's wearing a smoking and looks so great.

"Bella" he says impressed "You look beautiful"

"Thanks" I say still angry

"When are you going to forgive me?" He asks amusing

"I'm still thinking about it" I say amusing too

"Come on Bella you know you can't be mad at me" he gives me a hug and kisses me on the forhead.

"I hate you Mike" I push him and he takes my arm, then we walk through the crowd.

In the last twenty minutes more people arrived and now the place is full. While we walk I can notice the expensives dresses from women and I feel a little unconfortable with their envious looks and fake smiles. Then we go to the dinning room and a big table is the middle of the room with a lot of food on it, there are caviar, prawns, cupcakes, chocolate cakes, brownies, fonduee, creme brulee, etc. It all looks exquisite.

Michael and I stay looking around when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see and it's my mother. She looks so pretty with her long beige dress.

"Sweetheart thank god I find you, I need you come with me " she pushs me to other room and I leave Michael.

"Michael good to see you" my mom says before we go.

"What happen?" I ask

"Someone wants to see you" she answers

"Who is?" I ask when suddenly I perfectly know that person and feel sick. He's standing there with a clean smoking and his eyes gets a sparkle when he looks at me.

"Hi Nicholas" my mother says and Nicholas kisses her hand. "I leave you alone" she gives me a blessing gaze and I put my eyes on white.

My mom loves Nichola's family, we are the perfect couple for the people and my mother always wants to be the center of attention so when we broke up she was mad at me for two weeks, then she accepted it but still keeps hope in vain. She want us to come back.

"You look amazing" Nicholas says and kisses my hand

"Thank you, you look great too" I say unconfortable.

"Let me take you to a better place to talk" he extends his hand to me.

"Nicholas" I protest

"Please" he insists

I sigh and take his hand. We walk to the garden in the house's back and there is a small pergola in the middle with many small lights on it. I keep standing there and he is in front of me just looking at me.

"So..." I speak 

"I have brought you here because I need to tell you something" now he's walking from one side to other and it makes me nervous.

"What is it?"

"I'm a mess without you Isabella, I need you by my side every day of my life, that's why I need to ask you something" He puts on knees and holds my hand. "Would you marry me Isabella Carpenter?"

I can't breath for a second and my heart stops, this can't be happening to me.

"What are you doing Nicholas, get up now before someone see us" I say hysterical, that's the only reaction I can have now.

"Please Isabella, I'm gonna change" he stands up.

"Our relationship is over" I tell him and go back inside the house again.

I walk through the crowd and take a glass of wine for drinking all of it. I try to don't drop the glass and put it on a table, then I walk upstairs but some of my father's partners call me and I go close to them. We talk for a while and discuss future proyects to when I worked for the family business. We are having a good conversation when suddenly my phone rings and I receive a text message from an unknown number so I leave them and go the porche to check the message.

12: 25 a.m // Still drowning your sorrows in alcohol? //

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