24~ Family pictures

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Mitch's POV

"Why would you ask him that?" I ask my father the minute Scott leaves the house. I look at his smug grin. I want to punch him so bad but I know I'll get in trouble if I do that.

"Why is it bad? I just want to spend some time with my son's boyfriend." The way he says it sounds so mocking. His son's boyfriend. Like it's bad that his son has a boyfriend.

"You could see that he didn't want to go hunting with us!" To be honest, I'm kind of glad that he's coming. It makes the normally awful hunting trips a bit better.

"He said yes, didn't he?" Dad says, challenging me to question his logic.

"He did, but only cause you insisted! He didn't want to!" I say, getting really frustrated.

"He said yes and besides, it's just a few hours of his time. Won't hurt anyone." Dad says, turning to the television. I know nothing I say will make him admit that this was wrong. 

I go up the stairs. Jerk. I've had enough of him for at least a day. I just go to bed immediately, thinking of Scott to get me to sleep.

I decide to do a bit for school on sunday since I didn't do anything this weekend yet. I need to stay in school and do good so I don't fail. That would be a disaster.

After studying I call with Scott for an hour talking about small things, just getting to know each other a bit better. I really connect well with Scott, it's like we've known each other for years. Conversation is very easy and there are no uncomfortable silences.

Monday, tuesday and wednesday are normal school days, except it's not the same as usual. Scott is literally in almost every class suddenly. I don't know how he switched almost all his classes but I also don't really care. He and I are basically attached to the hip. We are always together. I am happier than I ever was before, I didn't know that one boy could do this to me. School is going well and I have good friends, an amazing boyfriend. What can go wrong?

Today is thursday and Scott wants me to meet his parents. I am not ready for this. I am extremely awkward with parents, adults in general, even though I am an adult myself.

''You're going to be okay.'' Scott reassures me for the millionth time.

''I don't know. What if they don't like me?'' I don't know why but I want these people to like me. Scott speaks very highly of them and from what I've heard he's very close with them. I mean they live in the same street.

We get in Scott's car together. He's been picking me up every day, always exactly on time. ''My parents will be very happy to meet you, I can assure you that.'' Scott says to me. That makes it even worse. What if they're expecting someone other than me? Someone better?

''Babe, stop overthinking. I can practically see the insecure thoughts forming in your that pretty, little head. They are going to love you. And if they don't, it's just my parents. Who cares what they think?'' He gives me a quick peck when we're at a traffic light.

''My mom cooked pasta with red sauce. Do you like that?'' Scott asks suddenly asks. Why did I agree to stay for dinner again? I should have just stopped by so I can leave anytime too. Now I have to wait for everyone else before I can leave.

''Yeah, I like pasta.'' I say.

I soon see the now familiar woods coming towards us. I know we're close now. I'm not sure if I could find my way back if I tried, this place is like a maze.

Soon we're at Scott's little village. I still don't understand what this little settlement is. ''Is this an apart community or something?'' I ask Scott.

He smiles mischievously. ''You could say that.'' What was that about? It's a normal question right?

We stop at a normal sized wooden house. It's really cute, a bit modernised. ''This is my parents' house.'' Scott says, already getting out of the car.

I take a deep breath. Here we go. I step out of the car and walk over to Scott who is already waiting for me. We walk to the door hand in hand.

Before Scott can ring the bell, the door is opened by a very excited, blonde woman. I can't really get a good look at her, cause she's running at me and pulling me in a hug. I stand there, a bit stunned but eventually hug her back. A warm welcome at least.

She pulls away. ''It's so nice to meet you!'' Her blue eyes are very similar to Scott's. She's about my height, maybe an inch shorter.

''It's nice to meet you too.'' Her smile is very contagious, making me smile too.

''You're so cute!'' She squeels, giving my cheeks a pinch.

''Mom!'' Scott scolds his mom. He puts an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to his body. ''Don't scare him away!''

''Sorry!'' She turns around, grabbing my hand and pulling us inside the house. This is a really cute house. It's so cozy, but still has a modern touch.

There is a man standing in the kitchen, cooking the food. ''Rick!'' Scott's mom yells at him. ''Come meet our son's ma-boyfriend!'' What? I look at Scott, he looks a bit white. What did she want to say?

''I'm Mitch.'' I introduce myself to Scott's dad, shaking his hand.

''I'm Rick.'' He has a warm smile on his face and dark blue eyes. Scott's entire family seems so nice.

''I'm Connie by the way. I completely forgot to introduce myself.'' Scott's mom, Connie, says. I guess she already knows who I am.

''Let's go upstairs, I'll show you my room.'' Scott says, tugging at my hand. ''We'll come down when food is ready.''

We walk up the stairs, me trying not to stare at Scott's ass too much. It's hard though, stairs are so tricky, they give you a perfect view of the ass of the person walking in front of you, but society doesn't allow it to watch. He's my boyfriend though, so I think I'm allowed to look.

''This is my room.'' Scott says when we arrive upstairs.

I look around in the middle sized room. It has a bed, a closet and a desk in it. It's not very personalized. It just has two framed pictures on the desk and a few books. ''Why do you have a room here, you literally live 4 houses down the road.'' I say.

''If I get tired of living in that house, I go here. My house can be crowded.'' Scott says, shrugging his shoulders.

I walk towards the pictures, looking at them. One has a picture of him and his parents, all of them smiling brightly at the camera. They look very happy, like a real family. The other one is a bit strange. It's a picture of three wolves, all looking in the camera. How? How do you get three random wolves to look in the camera?

I look a little closer at the wolves. Something feels weird. The left and the right one are a light gray while the middle one is a sandy blond color. I focus on the middle one. Something feels familiar about that wolf.

Wait. I step back from the picture. This wolf looks a lot like the wolf I saw in the forest twice. Normally wolves are gray right? Like the other two in the picture. The wolf I saw in the forest is blond, like the wolf in the middle in the picture.

''How did you get this picture?'' I ask Scott.

''Oh that one.'' Scott says, he seems to think for a while before answering, ''I got it off the internet, I thought it was a nice picture.''

He only has two pictures here and one of them is of wolves off the internet? Strange.

''Dinner is ready.'' Scott says, walking towards the door.

''Dinner? I didn't hear anything?'' How does he know that dinner is ready?

Scott turns a bit red. ''I smell it, don't you?'' He says before turning around and walking down the stairs for dinner. Things are a bit weird now. I go after him, I don't want to be late for dinner.

Maybe Scott's favorite animal is a wolf and it's just a coincidence that I ran into a wolf twice that looks a lot like the wolf on Scott's picture. That's it. Just a coincidence.

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