38~ Saved by the earring

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Mitch's POV

Somewhere nearing the end of the school day, I get a bit restless. I start tapping my leg and I can't really sit still during my last class. I assume it's because it's the last class and I can't really focus well anymore but this normally doesn't happen. Maybe it's because Scott is not with me.

I'm very relieved when the last class is finally over. I immediately go to my car, turning the radio on to distract my busy mind.

I intend to just go home but I change my mind when I arrive at the traffic light. My house is straight ahead and Scott's to the left. I turn to the left, going to Scott's. I haven't seen him since this morning and I miss him. I want to see him.

I get closer to his pack grounds and turn my radio off. Everything is quiet because it's in the middle of nowhere, the only sound heard is the chirping of birds.

The quiet is broken when the packhouse comes into view. I hear loud voices everywhere, and I see people walking in and out the packhouse. It looks like a chaos. What happened?

I stop my car, getting out. I look around, looking for any familiar faces. I see none though.

I stand there for a minute, deciding what to do. What is going on? Is Scott having a party or something? But he wouldn't have a party without at least telling me about it right? Maybe I should text him and ask what he is doing right now.

Just when I'm reaching in my bag for my phone I see Kirstie coming out of the house. I'm about to call her when she spots me. She starts towards me, walking fast.

"Mitch! It's better if you leave." She says, kind of loud. Some people near her look at me. They probably know my name by now.

Leave? Why would I leave? Is Scott keeping secrets from me? "But I want to see Scott." My voice sounds fragile and a bit hurt. Doesn't he want to see me?

"You can't see him right now." Kirstie says, sounding a bit more friendly.

Why can't I see him? "Why?" I ask Kirstie. Maybe they are having a party cause they won the attack against the werewolves they were fighting against. And humans are not allowed or something. I mean they won right? Kirstie is here, she wouldn't if they didn't win. But why wouldn't they just tell me?

"You just c-" Kirstie starts to say but she is interrupted by a scream. The loud sound startles everyone and it becomes quiet. I can recognize that voice everywhere. It's Scott. And this is no scream out of excitement. He is in pain.

I run towards the packhouse, wanting to see Scott. I run as fast as I can but it's not fast enough. Kirstie catches me after about 3 seconds. The girl is way stronger than me, probably because she's a werewolf, and I can't escape. "Scott!" I yell, before Kirstie slaps a hand over my mouth to muffle my yelling.

I keep thrashing in her grip but it is no use. She's too strong. Something is wrong with Scott and they are keeping me from him. I have to get to him.

A plan forms in my head. It's mean but it's the only thing I can think of to get out of Kirstie's grip and to Scott. I stop moving and stand completely still, making Kirstie think I stopped fighting. She doesn't let me go though, not that I expected her to. I slowly move my hand to my ear. I'm wearing silver earrings. I take one out, trying to be as discrete as possible.

When it's finally out of my ear I clench it in my hand, waiting for the right time to attack Kirstie with it.

I wait about a minute until I see a clear path in front of me, leading to the packhouse. People are in or out the packhouse at the moment, no one will catch me on my way.

I quickly lash out, practically punching Kirstie with the earring. She lets out a scream while I run for the packhouse, going at my fastest. I'm not a great runner but I give everything to just get to Scott on time.

Some people try to grab me but I stab them with the earring, making everyone get out of my way. Werewolves really have a fear of silver.

I walk in the living room, seeing a whole lot of people standing there. The chaos is big here and no one notices me. I take a closer look at the people trying to see Scott among them. He's tall so he should be easy to find right? I wish I was a werewolf so I could just smell him.

I don't see Scott but I see Kevin, kneeling down next to the couch. I hardly see him though because of all the people standing there.

When I get closer I see the someone is laying on the couch. I can't see the face but I recognize those jeans. It's Scott. Why is he laying on the couch? Oh no, is he hurt? Was that why he was screaming?

I rush towards him, not letting anyone stop me. I gasp when I get close enough to see his shoulder. I normally can't really stand blood and would be grossed out but now my worry for Scott is more important. His shoulder looks awful. It's a bloody mess, I can't look at it for longer than one second so I choose to look at Scott's face.

He is pale, too pale. His eyes are closed and he seems to be asleep or unconscious. He has dark circles under his eyes.

Kevin looks up when he hears me. "Mitch! You shouldn't be here!" Again?! Why are they saying that? Scott is hurt, I need to be here to make sure he's going to be okay.

I just kneel in front of Scott, laying my hand on his cheek. Tears well up in my eyes, is he going to die? He can't, he won't right? I've grown so attached to him the last month that we were dating, I can't loose him.

I turn around to look at Kevin, who is already looking at me. "Is he going to die?" I ask as one tear escapes my eye.

Kevin sits down next to me, proceeding what looks like stitching Scott's shoulder up. "He won't. I just put him in sleep so he won't be hurting as much." Kevin says. "He didn't want you to see him like this. He wants you to have this image of him that he's always strong and invincible." Kevin says. He sighs.

"Nobody's always strong and invincible." I whisper, knowing Kevin can hear me. I caress Scott's cheek. I just hope he will be better soon.

"He has werewolf healing, he will wake up soon. The healing process is also not going to take long, don't worry." That eases my worrying mind a bit. He will be better soon.

I grab Scott's hand, patiently waiting for him to wake up.

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