Chapter 7

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Ella's POV

"Wh-what?" I managed to spit out.

"Who are you and why are you hugging me?" Michael asked me again.

"Michael? You seriously don't remember me?" I asked looking him dead in the eye.

"I'm dead serious." He said, not joking at all.

Tears started flooding my eyes. I walked over to Kenzie and looked at her, "do you remember me?" I asked her.

She quickly shook her head.

Her used to be short blonde hair was now extremely long and dyed black cause you could see her blonde roots coming in. Kenzie used to be on the cubby side but now she's super skinny. Her beautiful aqua eyes were now a faded a gray. Examining her I saw one thing is never want to see on her in my whole life-little white scars across her wrists with some fresh cuts mixed together.

"Kenzie," I said blinking and forcing back the tears.

"How do you know my name?" She asked looking at me.

"I'm your sister... Remember me ? Ella Marie?"

Her gray eyes lit up to the beautiful aqua color and her frown turned into a smile, "Ella." She simply said.

"Ella!" she repeated louder. She jumped up and hugged the daylight out of me.

I hugged her back with tears falling down my cheeks. Michael ran over and joined our hug.

"I've missed you guys so much." I said to them as they finally let go of me.

I looked back at Demi only to see her wiping tears from the bottom of her eyes.

"But you know," I said walking over to Demi, "I wouldn't have come here if it wasn't for Demi." I said hugging her.

They ran over and hugged her too. We were all so happy!

"Wanna see my room?" Kenzie asked me.

"Of course." I said. She led me down a hallway with her room being the last one on the right. It said "Kenzie's Room. Keep Out!xx"

She opened the door motioning for me to go in. It was a faded purple with a flower boarder.

"They won't re-paint it. I've asked plenty of times."

I went and sat on her twin sized beds with the covers still not made.

"Kenzie." I said.


"You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

"I know."

I hesitated, "would you be made if I asked you a question?"

"I guess not." She said joining me on the bed.

We sat there in silence for awhile, "what's on your wrists?"

Her eyes turned gray and her smile faded. She stood up, "why are you looking at my wrists!?"

Her shouting pierced my ears, "I'm sorry I just-"

"You act like you're the perfect sister and you've always been there for me! Where were you 4 FUCKING YEARS AGO ELLA!? Huh? Where were you when I was going through anorexia!? Where were you when I was in the hospital for the third time for suicide attempt!? Where were you when I needed you most!? You were being the stuck up bitch you are now! Yeah! Michael told me that when you left, if you ever came back, that you would smell so nice, and have nice clothes and so much stuff! I thought he was wrong. I thought that you wouldn't be like that Ella but I guess I was wrong. Get the hell out."

"Please don't cuss at me." I said, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Get the hell out." She repeated.

I sighed in defeat and started walking to the door.

"Hey Ella," she said. I turned around with the door half opened and little bit of hope, "do me a favor and don't come back." She walked over and pushed me out of her room, slamming her door. I heard the lock click. I started bawling as I ran down the hall to find Demi.

Demi put me in her arms, "what's wrong baby?" She asked.

"I j-ust want to g-go home." I cried out.

Demi lead me to the car and set me in the car very gently, buckling my seat belt.

The rest of the car ride home was silent, other than the radio playing.

I'm her sister. Why couldn't she talk to me?


Sooo?? Was it longer?? Sorry if it's not. I'm on my phone.

Sorry that I haven't updated for awhile but I've been busy working on my science fair project that is due.... Well... Tomorrow. Lolol.

So I guess I'm gonna stop asking for an amount of votes.. And just start posting whenever.

Okay. So I love you guys and thanks for reading!


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