Chapter Four

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~ Erza's POV ~

These last few days have been interesting to say the least.

Levy and Gajeel have completely stopped speaking to each other. it's even gotten so bad that Levy's staying in Lucy's guest bedroom.

Lucy and Natsu seem to be on edge. Something's bothering them, but I'm not sure what. And Lucy seems to be upset when she's in Lisanna's presence.

Mira and Laxus, are still as interesting as ever. Laxus becomes a complete softy in Mira's presence, and bends to her every command.

Oddly enough, the strangest couple is being the most normal. Juvia is well Juvia. She's still cheery and madly in love with Gray. The only abnormality would be Gray himself. I've never know him to be overly clingy, but lately he makes sure to be within arms reach of Juvia. He doesn't let her out of his sight.

This needs to change. I'm going to get everyone back to normal. And what better way than a mission!

~ Gray's POV ~

"Are you sure you're not hungry? Cause I can get you something to eat." I asked Juvia

Her eyes sparkled "I love it when Gray-Sama fusses over me. It's how he shows his love."

Juvia seems to have gotten even more cheerful since she's been pregnant.

I smirked "You never answered my question though, are you hungry?"

Juvia hugged my arm "A little, we should get Caramade Frank's."

Laxus said pregnant women were hard to handle, but I'm doing fine. It really helps when she craves my favourite food.

I smiled at Juvia "I'm up for it, let's go."

Before I could go anywhere, I was pulled away and smashed into something hard. Erza's breast plate.

"Team Natsu is going on a mission." Erza announced

I can't, there's no way I'm leaving Juvia here all alone.

"Count me out, I'm busy." I replied

Erza glared at me "Gray, you're coming and that's final. We leave tomorrow."

I crossed my arms "I said I can't! I'm not leaving Juvia all by herself."

Erza's eyes softened "Gray, you don't need to be by her side every second of everyday. Juvia will be fine."

I clenched my fist "She's pregnant, she can't defend herself if anything happens."

"Gajeel could stay with her." Erza suggested

I narrowed my eyes "She got hurt on their last mission."

"Then what about Laxus or Elfman? She could stay at Mira's house." Erza suggested

I shook my head "I can't, I just can't leave her."

"You should go Gray-Sama." I heard Juvia say from behind me

I turned around to face her "Juvia, I can't just go."

"Yes you can, and you will. I'll be here when you get back. And I'll be fine. Fairy Tail is a safe place." Juvia smiled at me

I grabbed her hand "Juvia"

"Gray-Sama, you've been so great taking care of me, but I think you're being a little too over protective. You've lost so many people in your life, so you feel like you need to stay near and protect me, while I can't protect myself. But you need time for yourself. Go on this mission, please." Juvia pleaded

She's giving me that look, the one she knows I can't resist.

"Juvia....." I wined

"No. Gray-Sama is going! And I'll wait here for him." Juvia crossed her arms

I sighed "Fine, but you aren't staying by yourself. Gajeel or Elfman are looking after you. And if anything happens I'll kill them."

Juvia pouted "Gray-Sama is already acting like a father."

I smiled "Am I any good at it?"

Juvia wrapped her arms around me "Gray-Sama is always amazing, no matter what he does!"

Erza clapped her hands "It's settled! We leave tomorrow morning, it should only take about three days to complete."

Three days? That's to long.

Juvia ran her fingers through my hair "Trust me Gray-Sama, I'll be fine."

"I know." I mumbled while grabbing her hand and walking out of the guild

I have a really bad feeling about this mission.

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