Chapter Five

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~ Juvia's POV ~

As much as I love being the centre of Gray's attention, this is getting to be a little much.

"Gray-Sama, it's time to wake up. You have to go on your mission soon." I wined from inside Gray's embrace

Gray just hugged me tighter "Mhhh, you sure you want me to go? Cuz I'm good with staying in bed all day."

I tried to wiggle out of his arms, but had no luck "Gray-Sama, if you don't show up, Erza will come and drag you out of this bed."

Gray grunted "Not even Erza is strong enough to pull me away from you."

Oh how I would've loved to hear that when I first joined the guild.

I sighed and started running my hands through Gray's hair

Time for plan B

"Well, if Gray-Sama's not gonna go on the mission, it looks like Juvia will have to." I smiled

Gray's head bolted up "What?"

I looked at him innocently "Well one of us is going to have to go on a job, or else we won't have enough money to pay rent."

Gray was on his feet in a second "Don't even joke about that Juvia, there's no way you're even thinking about taking a job in your condition. I almost lost you on your last job!"

I smiled "So Gray-Sama is going to go on the mission with his friends?"

Gray sighed "Doesn't look like I have much of a choice."

I moved to get out of the bed, when Gray-Sama rushed to my side "Juvia, I don't feel right about leaving you here alone. You need someone to look after you."

I sighed as Gray-Sama helped me get out of bed "Gray-Sama, I'm only a month Pregnant. It's not like I need someone to help me get out of bed every day."

Gray-Sama crossed his arms "I just don't want you to fall or something."

I wrapped my arms around his neck "I know, and I think you're being really sweet."

It didn't take long for Gray-Sama to move in for a kiss.

~ Gray's POV ~

Sadly our make out session was interrupted by an explosion at our front door.

My arms tightened protectively around Juvia, and I started to get my magic ready for an attack

What ever idiot who thought it was a good idea to attack us, is in for a beating.

"Yo! Ice princess! You coming or what?" We heard Natsu's voice from our kitchen

I sighed "What did flame brain break this time?"

When we walked into our living room, my jaw dropped. He literally destroyed the whole wall of our house.

"NATSU!" I yelled in rage

I'm gonna kill him

Natsu took his head out of our fridge and looked at us "It's about time you woke up, Erza sent me looking for you."

Before I could start a fight, Juvia stepped in front of me "Next time, Natsu should learn to use the front door."

Uh oh, she looks mad.

Natsu rubbed the back of his head "Uh, ya sorry about that Juvia."

Steam started to come off Juvia's body "Sorry about that? Sorry? You don't look sorry!"

Wow, she's really upset.

Natsu frowned "I really am, look I'll help fix it."

"Water Lock!" Juvia yelled while trapping Natsu in a water bubble

My eyes widen "Juvia! You shouldn't be using magic right now!"

I froze her water lock and moved her over to the couch

"Are you okay? How do you feel?" I panicked

"I'm sorry Gray-Sama, I guess I just got carried away."

I sighed "Juvia, you can't just keep using magic like that. You could hurt yourself."

Natsu started laughing "You are so whipped."

I glared at him

This is all his fault, he made Juvia use her magic.

Before I bash him into a pulp, Erza and Lucy walked through the hole in our wall.

"What happened here?" Lucy asked

I gave her a knowing look and she groaned

Erza pointed her sword at Natsu "You'll fix this mess right after our mission, do you understand me?"

Natsu nodded heavily

"Well then, let's go!" Erza announce while turning around

"Wait! What about Juvia? I can't leave her here in a house that's missing a wall!" I yelled

That Flame-Brain actually came in handy. Now Erza can't make me go.

Erza thought for a while before she decided "Juvia shall stay with Laxus and Mira-Jane."

Before I could complain, Juvia stood up "I'll start packing now."

I grabbed her wrist "Wait, are you sure?"

Juvia smiled "Mira and Juvia are good friends. It'll be fun."

Well, if she's okay with it, then I won't argue. Plus, she'll be safe with Laxus, he's one of the strongest in our guild.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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